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Miami Football Player Quotes

Oct. 7, 2002

Miami Football Player Quotes – Monday, Oct. 7, 2002

Defensive End Cornelius Green

On Florida State’s offensive line

“I don’t have any impression of them because I haven’t seen them enough. All I can say is, they’ve been working hard and people have been talking about them, say they’re this and that … all we do is respect them and go into the game with the mentality to win.”

On Florida State’s Greg Jones’ performance against Clemson

“I saw that. A lot of those guys weren’t using their feet or doing proper tackling technique. If we do that, we can stop him. He’s a good back, but we’ve got to do the things to stop him. If we do the things that we’re capable of and know that we can do, we should be able to stop him.”

On Greg Jones’ style

“We haven’t seen too much of him, but by me looking at film, he’s like a powerful running back once he gets started. He’ll run over a few people and run through blocks and keep his feet moving real well. We’ve got to get to him and get him on the ground and then we shouldn’t have too many problems.”

On Miami’s pass rush

“Up front, we’re experienced. So we know a lot of things that we can do and a lot of things that it takes to get back there. We play within the scheme, but by us being experienced, we’re able to do a little bit more, take chances out there on the field. Sometimes you can make good plays, other times it can hurt you.”

On Jerome McDougle

“Jerome was going hard even before that (pectoral injury), even while he was supposed to be hurt I’ve seen him out there doing things. He’s amazing to me. Everyday I see him out there doing things that are like ‘Whoa.’ I haven’t noticed him not been doing anything so even with the injury he’s playing well to me.”

On Miami’s depth along the defensive line

“I look around and see that we’re blessed. Because I see all those guys and I’m like, ‘Hey, we got all these guys!’ And they really motivate me because sometimes I’ll be tired and I’ll look at them and they’re not tired so I’m, like, ‘Oh, what’s wrong with me?’, so I’ve got to push on for another play. At the same time, I’ve got Jerome McDougle ready to come in, so one of us has to have the better game. So I’m going to come out and be tired and have him come in and as soon as he comes in he’ll have a sack. I can’t let that happen, I’ve got to go out there and play hard every play.”

On whether or not the depth at defensive line creates friction among the players

“There’s really not any animosity. My whole objective is to win. There’s no animosity between me and Jerome McDougle, we’re like brothers. We stay together, we live together, we sleep together. You can’t have animosity in the household. Nobody will clean up.”

Tailback Jason Geathers

On Saturday’s game against Florida State

“We’re just trying to stay focused. This is a big game. We’re just going to go out there and execute the game plan and hopefully do well”.

On the rivalry between Miami and Florida State

“This is Florida State. It’s a rivalry game. It’s a big game and they’re coming in here expecting to beat us so we have to defend that. We have a streak going also so we can continue to do well. We’re friends (with some of Florida State’s players), but come Saturday at 12 o’clock, there ain’t no friends. We’ve just got to go out there and do what we’ve got to do. Hopefully we’ll still be friends after the game, win or lose. We should be all right.”

Safety Maurice Sikes

On the defensive line’s influence on Miami’s pass defense

“It plays a major part. Without them, there’s a lot of times when a guy might be running free and the quarterback sees it and he’s getting hit right there. They’re covering up for us and we’re covering a guy and we get an extra second where the quarterback has to hold the ball and they’re getting a sack. We’re a team. We’re a defense and we all play roles to help each other get better.”

On Miami’s heat

“(Playing in it) is tough, but we want it to be tough. We practiced in it all through the summer and we have to go through a lot. We call it ‘The Jungle’ out here and we want to use it as an advantage when a team has to come down here and play in the heat. We just feel that it’s (an element) that we can take advantage of.

Defensive Tackle Matt Walters

On Florida State’s offensive line

“They’re pretty good. I haven’t watched much film on them, yet. I saw a little bit of it yesterday. They’re big guys. They block hard and they finish plays. They’re what you would expect from a good team.”

On Florida State’s “struggles” in the 2002 season

“You can throw all that out the window when it comes to this game. Streaks, records, rankings … it all goes out the door. They’re going to be ready to play come Saturday and we know they’re going to be ready to play and it’s going to be a good football game. We’ve played FSU teams that have struggled and they’ve always stepped it up for this game and they’ve played us when we struggled and we’ve stepped it up this game. So it’s one of those types of games where it doesn’t matter what your season’s been so far. Winning this game can really turn a season around or it can put the exclamation (on the end of the season).”

On Greg Jones

“He’s a hard runner. From what I’ve seen so far, you can’t just tackle the guy. You’ve got to get up and get your facemask on him and wrap up and drive your feet and tackle him to the ground or he’s not going down. He’s been good. We’re going to have to get a couple of people on him at a time to get him down to the ground.”

Fullback Quadtrine Hill

On Florida State’s defensive line

“From what I’ve seen and heard, they’re supposed to be a pretty good defensive line. We just need to know all of our assignments and make sure we stay on those guys because, if we don’t and we make some mistakes, I’m sure they’ll take advantage of it.”

On intensity against Florida State

“I don’t feel you can ever take a play off really, because every time you take a play off somebody can get seriously hurt, especially in a game against somebody who’s so good and has so much against you at this point in time that you can never take anything lightly.”

On whether or not Florida State is “down” this season

“They have the same or better athletes as they’ve ever had and every time they play they’re going to be Florida State and they’re going to play up to Florida State standards.”

On playing his first game against Florida State

“I’ve been watching this for years. I can think back to the second or first grade watching Florida State/ Miami because I’ve always been a ‘Canes fan and now I’m finally going to get to play in it so I’m waiting for it.”

Defensive End Andrew Williams

“We’re going in just like any other game, It’s just a regular season game. Just waiting for our coaches to break down the game, and break it down on film.”

On possibly downplaying FSU

“We know that they’re going to come out and play us real hard. A lot of people expect us to come out with a win, and that’s giving them a lot of momentum to come in and a lot of character to come in and play us tough. We’re not going to look down on Florida State, we’re just going to play like we always play. We’re not making it as big as it is, we’ll just let you all make it as big as it is. It’s going to be a hyper atmosphere, basically, and we’re just going to have fun. They’ll come to play and we’ll come to play and may the best team win.”

Did you amaze yourself with your fumble return against Connecticut?

“No, I didn’t amaze myself. I knew I had it in me.”

How much will you help the defensive backs this weekend?

“Our DB’s have been playing real good. Basically we’ve been helping each other. They have been covering real well. They have been getting picks and we’ve been getting sacks. So, basically, we’ve been helping each other out.”

On FSU perceived as not being as good in the past

“I don’t know. They are winning. They have only lost one game and we’re not going to look down upon them. We’re not going to say they are bad at this or bad at that.”

Is UM planning to mix up the defense to confuse Rix?

“Ask Coach Shannon that. They are breaking down the film right now and, hopefully by tomorrow, and then game time we’ll know.”

On Miami being favored to win

“We’re not going to look at that or read the papers. We’re just going to come to play. Regardless of what the spread is, they are going to come to play, and we’ve got to come to play.”

Tailback Willis McGahee

How do you feel going into Saturday’s game?

“I feel pretty good about Saturday’s game and I’m just going to treat it like any other game, and practice like I practice. It is a big game. You know, Florida was a big game, too, so I’m going to do the same thing I did for that game. I’m going to do my everyday thing, go out there and have fun and be laid back.”

Will the team approach this like the last game?

“Nah, we’re not going to treat it like Connecticut. Obviously, they have a lot more talent than Connecticut. And Connecticut was a good team, but Florida State is going to come out and they are going to be pumped. We’re going to be in the Orange Bowl and they aren’t going to lay down for us and we aren’t going to lay down for them.”

Are you guys as hyped up for this FSU game as in the past?

“We’re hyped, we’re just not going to get the bighead. We don’t want to get too hyped. Florida State’s only lost one game. Things happen. I wouldn’t mind for them to be 4-0, 5-0 coming into the Orange Bowl but, unfortunately, they’re not so we’re still just going to focus on what we have to do. We’ll get a good game plan and go out there and execute.”

Do you expect practice to intensify this week?

“I expect that. We have a lot of people who haven’t played against Florida State and they’re looking forward to it. Walk-ons, freshmen and redshirt freshmen, they’re anxious to just get out there and see how it’s going to be. I don’t blame `em. I was like that my first year and it was a very exciting experience for me. I know what to expect and I know what to do.”

Does the fact that so many players in this game know each other make this a more heated game?

“Yeah, that could be one of the reasons. I know a couple of players on their team and, you know, some people are talking trash already. I just try not to pay any attention. I tell them just to wait until Saturday.”

Do coaches talk to you guys about talking smack? Do they tell you to tone it down?

“Nah. Coaches just tell us to give the other team respect and that’s what we do. We don’t go out there and talk trash on TV or nothing. We might say a little stuff on the football field, but that stays on the football field, so it’s not something the coaches have to worry about.”

Do you think at all about the state championship?

“I really haven’t paid too much attention to it. One person just brought it to my attention, but it would be nice to beat both schools in Florida and go on to win the national championship. That wouldn’t be bad at all.”

How proud are you of your performance this season?

“I’m good with myself, but I’m not going to get the bighead about it. I’d just like to stay humble. I’m good with myself. I’m just having fun. I owe most all of it to my O-linemen, they open up the holes and do all the dirty work and I’m just running to the clean area. So, I have to give them all the credit.”

What kind of defense does FSU have?

“I’ve seen them play, but it doesn’t do much good because they like to mix their schemes up. They’ll play one scheme against one team, and another against someone else. Then, when it’s time for us to go out there they’ll do something new.”

They give up some points…

“Yeah, they give up some points. Every team gives up points. We give up some points, too. They’re real good on defense. They have a lot of talented players. I know there’s going to be some hard hitting going on, so I have to buckle up.”

Can you talk about any particular touchdown run this season that you really enjoyed?

“I’d have to say the Temple game, when I scored four touchdowns. I didn’t know I scored four, I thought I had three. Then someone on the sideline told me I had scored four. After the game, Melvin Bratton called me and told me, `Man, you need to calm down because you’re trying to get my record.’ I was like, `Who holds the record?’, and he told me. I was like, `Alright, don’t worry about it. I’ll get it one day’. The one run I enjoyed the most wasn’t a touchdown run. It was the Florida game when I broke down the sideline for about 40 yards.”

