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September 1, 1998

CORAL GABLES, Fla. – The University of Miami student spirit group STORMFRONT will host a student tailgate party on Saturday, Sept. 5 prior tothe Hurricanes season opener against East Tennessee State at the OrangeBowl.

The tailgate party will start at 5:00 p.m. in student lot N-2. Studentswill be treated to contests, music and giveaways provided by BIG 106 (105.9FM) and Dominos as well as a Pep Rally with the Band of the Hour, the Ibis,the Hurricane Cheerleaders and Sunsations.

The first 1,000 students with a Cane Card will get free food and drinks.In addition, the first 1,000 freshmen with a Cane Card will receive a freeSTORM FRONT T-shirt and will participate in an on-field “Freshmen Parade”prior to kick-off.

Admission to all Hurricane home games is free to students with a CaneCard. UM students can also receive free transportation to all Miami homegames via MetroRail. Students can pick up their complimentary MetroRailpasses at the University Station three hours prior to kick-off.