Read your emails to Willis McGahee
Jan. 6, 2003
Hurricane Headquarters
Coral Gables, Fla. ( — – Thanks to all of the fans across the nation who have taken the time to write in regarding Willis McGahee’s knee injury in the Tostitos Fiesta Bowl.
These messages have been delivered personally to Willis McGahee as he recovers and he sends his thanks for your prayers and concern.
Click here for an update on Willis’ surgery
Page 2 of your emails to Willis
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Page 13 of your emails to Willis
Please send this message to Mr.McGahee. I live in Columbus, Ohio andI, like many others, was watching “TheGame” on Friday. I cringed at thereplay of the play that caused yourinjury. I know you must be in a lotof pain and I wanted to let you knowthat I and many other Buckeye fans arepraying for your speedy and fullrecovery.
Best of Luck in the Future!Michele Miller
Willis, This is Zetroy Hendrix brotherof Gary Hendrix, a former Rocket. Ijust want you to know that our prayersare with you. You have faced this kindof adversity before at Central, andhave overcome. We have faith that youcan do this once again. Be patient andlook within yourself and to God for thestrength and determination that youwill need to persevere. If you believe,you can and will regain the level ofplay that you need to make it. We alllook up to you, you are a shining starthat came from Central, you can andwill do it Willis. Just believe..
Your Biggest Fan,Zetroy Hendrix
Congratulations to a Great FootballTeam. Not one person on the Canes’Team has anything to feel ashamed about.You guys played your hearts out andeveryone here in South Florida thanksyou for all your efforts.
Ken Dorsey is obliously a realgentleman and showed his poise,manners, respect and professionalism inthe post game interview.
We’ll all be praying for Willis’complete recover from today’s operation.
Thank you for a great season.Sincerely,Dick Winkel
I would just like to forward someencouragement to Willis McGahee afterhe suffered the injury yesterday. As aWVU fan, I would rather lose every gamethan have Willis injured in that way.My hopes for a speedy recovery for himand my God bring comfort to him and hisfamily. Best wishes for the future andtell him to never give up. Ilookforward to seeing him play again soon.
From Chauncey Scott:I’d just like to send my “get wellsoon” to Willis and tell him we areall pulling for him to come back nextyear and show the nation why he is thebest tailback in the country, therehab will be tough, but I believe.
From Chad at Ohio State:I hope Willis McGahee is alright. Iwas thinking about how bad a majorinjury would be for him and I came tothis site to check up on him. I justthought I’d send a note to let you knowour hearts are with him.
Dear Mr. McGahee, I hope this messagegets to you, but if it doesnt, I dontno any other way to get ahold ofyou…I would just like to say thatwatching you play football is a greatthing….and after i seen the hit youtook last night, I couldnt stop thinkinabout you…as a former football playerI no how bad it sucks to be out and notbeing able to play….well I guess Ijust wanted to say that whateva droveyou to be the football player youare….can help u come back to the gameim sure you love so much…i send mydeepest and best wishes that u getbetter and hope to see you in thecoming up yrs at the University OfMiami…Sincerely A Fan
From Henry Straley: This is for MaGahee. I sincerelyhope to see you playing ‘canesfootball next year. I enjoyedwatching you and Dorsey, and the restof the ‘canes play this year. Comeback and take back the Nationalchampionship
Dear Miami Hurricanes:
Just would like to express my heartfelthope for a full recovery to Mr McGaheeinjured in the Fiesta Bowl.
I was born and raised in Columbus, Ohiobut now live in Houston and I never sawa more exciting football game. Thanksfor the thrills and chills your teamprovided. I’m more of a collegefootball fan than an OSU fan though Ifollow them still.
I only hope there’s a rematch nextyear! Good luck and tell McGahee to getwell soon!
I would like if you could pass alongmy best wishes to Willis McGahee andto tell him to hang in there. I toreall four ligaments in my right knee,the collateral and lateral right offthe bone, at the age of 31 playingsoccer. It took a year of rehab but Iwas able to continue playing semi-profor 6 more years after the injury.Tell him to keep his head up and notto get down. That’s the hardest part,as he will find. He’s got thestrength and the youth, he needs tokeep his head in it. Tell him goodluck all the best.
tony novosel
I watched in horror as you injured yourknee on Friday, and felt ill because itbrought back the pain and hurt I felt26-years ago when I suffered the exactsame injury in a soccer game at the ageof 19. But let me tell you, do notgive-up. You will be fine, and if yourehab to the fullest extent, your kneewill be stronger than the other knee.I know, I had a great surgeon inColorado and I’m proud to say I went onto play soccer in college and stillplay competitive soccer today at theripe-old-age of 45! And I have neve hadany problem with my knee. Now I know,.my level of play is not at the samelevel as yours, but it is all relative.With today’s new techniques, newknowledge of rehab, you will continueto be a star!
I have five kids, all athletes, and ifthey had your talent and your future Iwould tell them the same thing I’mtelling you… only you can determineyour rehab from this injury, and onlyyou can set the limits.
Best of luck to you…coming back is apainful process, but it will help youto be a tougher competitor and you willalso have a greater appreciation forthe strong body God gave you!
Best of luck, and I look foward toseing you play next year and then on tothe NFL. (Try to play for my team..theDenver Broncos!)
Best wishes,
Lisa Mayo-DeRiso, Las Vegas
From Anonymous: Just wanted to send Best Wishes toWillis MacGahee during his recovery.Willis you are an outstanding playerand wonderful person. Stay strong,you’ll come through this. We’re allpraying for you
Dear UM Officials:
Please inform Willis McGahee thatthere are many, many people around thecountry thinking of him. I know hewill “keep his head up”, and work hardto overcome the injury he sustained inthe National Championship game. Myfriends and I on the TiderInsiderinternet message board are praying forhim.
Jon Hunter,University of Alabama – Class of 1985
Hi sincerely hope Willis can recover from theknee injury I knew he had torn his lateralligaments and maybe the PCL , I wish himthe a complete and fast recovery. To tell youthe truth this was the only way Ohio couldhave won, targeting to injure the Miamiplayers, that is without mentioning theofficial that clearly were Ohio fans.
From Mindy Wilson: Just wanted to send good wishes &encouragement to Willis McGahee. Hangin there–lots of folks rooting foryou, Willis.
From Vino: I just wanted to forward a speedyrecovery wish to Willis McGahee. Ihope he fully recovers and keeps hisspirits up! Thanks
From Joe Bosley III: First let me say I am an Ohio State fan. Secondly,and most importantly, I want you to know that I ampraying for a complete recovery by running backWillis McGahee. He is a terrific player and heappears to be a most humble athlete. The injury hesustained was devastating. ABC Sports should beashamed of itself. The game producer saw theimages we were later broadcast of the horrificinjury. It should have never been shown to thepublic. I hope that Willis McGahee has successfulsurgery today and I pray that he will be able tosustain the courage over the next several months towork through what will be a most difficult rehab.Good luck Willis. This Buckeye fan is praying foryou.
From John Holland: Willis McGahee TAKE HOPE
My son Jim suffered abouit an identicalinjury in 1996 at Western Michigan.That combination of those particularligaments was so rare in those days,his surgery made the medical journals.He was a tight end,co-captain, and hadthe pros looking at him.
His injury happened in his fifth yearin practice. His coach volunteered toapply for a medical hardship 6th year,but Jim, because of his littleeligibility left, if at all, decided tohang them up.
He worked his butt off (that’s thesecret)with great support from thetrainers in rehab and returned his kneeto a normal normal state. We cannotcomment on footballadaptability,because it has not beentested doing this.
Today, he works out regularly,playsgolf, plays tennis, plays basketball,runs regularly, including the Pachtreeannual marathon in Atlanta.
I am not qualified to comment onfootball or medical assues but Jimlives a perfectly normal life with nolimp, no pain and will be able to doall the fun athletic things with hischildren.We hope the same things foryou.
Please let us know if you ever want totalk directly to Jim who hasbeen “there”, the same as you, and whois a great kid.
Love, Holland family
This is for Willis McGahee (pleaseforeward)My name is Scott Richmond. I justwanted to send you a note regardingthe injury you sustained in the FiestaBowl. First, I would like to say thatI think you are a fantastic talent,and you play the game and yourposition the way that it should beplayed. When I saw the hit that youtook to the knee, I knew that you hadvery substantial damage. I took asimilar hit playing Div. III ball in1985. It turns out that you have tornthe exact same ligaments that I didback then. Both of my cruciateligaments were torn as well as mymedial collateral (which myorthopedist told me was the worst hehad seen in 10 years). I thought thatmy life had ended, But I can onlyimagine what you are going throughwith the pro opportunity that you willsurely have in time.I just want to encourage you to knowthat you can fight through this. Fromall that I have heard of you, you’re ahard working man with a great love forthe game. Keep your thoughts on thatand trust your medical and rehab staffto help you back. This will pass,where you go from here is up to you.Good luck to you.Scott Richmond
From Michael Yerardi: As a buckeye fan, I am certainly proud of ourteam and their recent victory. However I justwanted to state that I and my family weresaddened and dismayed by the tragic injuryto Willis McGahee. He is in our thoughts andprayers for a quick and complete revcoveryfrom his injuries.
From Anonymous: While I’m a Buckeye fan and couldn’t bemore excited about the outcome of theFiesta Bowl game, you never like to seeserious injuries. Here’s to a speedyand complete recovery for Mr. McGahee.Please pass along best wishes for hisfootball future and for his life ingeneral. And thank you for one of thebest football games I have ever seen –college or pro!
From Dan Merwin: Hurricanes,
Even though I wanted OSU to win, I’msorry that it wasn’t a clean one. Youguys deserve the National title.
And on another note, my prayers toWillis McGahee and his family for aspeedy recovery. I hope to see him onthe field next year!
Please forward this to Willis McGahee.Willis,My teeth ached when I saw your injuryagainst Ohio State! The ache went awaywhen I remembered your TV interview atthe Heisman ceremony where you cameacross as a mature, focused youngathlete. Keep your focus, overcomethis hurdle and continue to believe inyourself. You’re going to come out ofthis stronger and better than you everthought possible.Good luck and our prayers are with you,Jim Lister
For Willis McGahee, I wish you the bestin your recovery — you werespectacular to watch this season. Hangin there.Rick, UF fan and alum.
First my thoghts and preyers go out toWillis McGhee and family for a speedyand successful recovery.Second after an awesome display ofcourage and perseverance to come backto win the game it’s a shame it camedown to a bad call from an officialthat decided the out come. Your arechamps, played like champs andconducted yourselves like champs… Inmy mind and opinion you are the 2003National College Football Champions!
Thomas Read, 1980 – 1984, UM Attendee
As a die hard OSU Buckeye fan , I mustsay I have seen no better , or hardfought game in my 40 years of lovingcollege football. I don’t believe Ihave ever seen a harder hitting , butclean hitting game , from start tofinish ,than the 2003 Tostitos Bowl.
I am writing in reguards to WillisMcGahee. I had my knee blown out inHigh School , and never had a chance togo to the level of college footballthat your team has achieved. It reallyshook me up so bad, seeing the replay,that the outcome of the game reallydidn’t matter after that.
What really gets me is that I have wentto websight after websight trying tofind out how Willis is . Seems like theworld doesn’t care if he is ok or not.Hope he makes a full recovery andthe ‘Caines can begin a new great runthis year .
Best regards for Willis,Don
To Willis McGahee,
I am a Buckeye fan who attended theFiesta Bowl. I enjoyed the excellentgame but I do not want any of theplayers to suffer serious injury. Iwas sadden by your serious injury andpain. Here’s to a speedy recovery andfuture games to watch your runningtalent.
Cheers,Keith from Springfield, OH
This isn’t actually a question, but anote just to wish Willis McGahee luckon his recovery. I am a big OSU fan,but I hated to see what happened toMr. Mcgahee on Friday. The injurylooked serious. I really hope that hecan recover from it as soon aspossible. I wish him good luck inreaching all the goals and dreams thathe set out for himself prior to thisinjury. Good luck Willis! Work hard inyour rehab. I am sure it will be worthit.
How can I write to Willis McGahee eitheronline or by regular mail…I’d really like to givehim some support right now, his injury wasreally a terrible occurence. Thank you
I just wanted to wish Willis McGaheethe best in his recovery. Although I amnot presetnly a Miami fan (I have beenbecause I went to college w/ DennisErickson), I was watching the game theother night and was appalled to see hisknee buckle when he was hit. He’s atalented young man and I’d hate to seehis career affected by an occurencelike this. I’ve had knee surgery in thepast myself and am pleaed to say thatmy recovery from it was completelysuccessful, having regained almost allrange of motion and 100%+ of strength.I wish him the best and hope you willpass this on to him.
Sincerely,(Mr.) Shelby J. Kuenning,Great Falls, MT
I don’t know if you can help me withthis or not, but I’d like to send anemail to Willis McGahee saying howsorry I was to see him get hurt duringthe Fiesta Bowl. I’m an Ohio Statefan, and granted, his leaving the gamehelped OSU win, but to see a starathlete (or any athlete) suffer such aserious injury takes some of the shineoff of the game for me. Fromeverything I’ve seen, Mr. McGahee is aclass act, and I wish him the best fora speedy and full recovery. My prayersare with him.
James A. (Jamie) Dennis,Hilliard, OH
Sorry, I couldn’t find a link toemail Willis McGahee, Please get this tohim.
Mr. McGahee, I wanted to talk a momentand send my condolences on the terribleinjury you suffered. Please keep yourhead up and even though the road back islong and very painful you have a talentthat others only dream of. Best of luckfor a full recovery. PS. WHEN you do getback how about transfering to CLEMSON weneed all the help we can get.
All my Hopes,Tim Jones,Greenville,SC
Dear Mr. McGahee,As a fan from Pittsburgh, [wherefootball is our religion], I respectand admire your calibre of play, andhate to see anyone injured as you were.I’d like to offer you a few words ofencouragement, courtesy of GeneralGeorge S. Patton, Jr. “Success is NOTgetting on top, it’s how you bounce onthe bottom.” Also a ChineseProverb, “Tenacity and adversity areold foes.” Good Luck!Sincerely,David Burns
From Rick Allen:Dear Canes:Thanks for a fantastic championshipgame. As an Ohio State fan, I couldn’tbe happier; we faced the toughest teamin college football memory.
I hope Megehee recovers fully andquickly from a very unfortunate hit.What a player!
OSU fans will be watching you nextseason in your bout to be number 1.
From Steve Linahan: Best Wishes to McGahee on a fullrecovery.Texas LongHorn fan
From Jim Grushon:
I was so impressed with the attitudeand character of Willis MaGahee I justwanted to encourage him. While I am aavid Ohio State Fan I am truely a fanof young men who show character andclass. A read many articles aboutWillis and was impressed with him as ayoung man. I want to wish him well inhis recovery. I know this was a seriousinjury and want to encourage him towork at his rehab with the sameintensity and character he has shown tothis point. Its our prayer that heagain reach the pinnacle and berecognized for his accomplishments aswell as his obvious character. I knowhe is discouraged but feel that peopleof character such as his find adversityas a challenge. He will overcome thissetback, I’m counting on it.
To: Mr. Willis McGahee
Dear Willis, I’m writing you today towish you well in your recovery fromknee surgery. I’ve been a Miami fansince the 80’s and have had manyfavorite players during that time. Overthe course of this season you havebecome my favorite hurricane of alltime. The incredible way you run theball, especially in the toughest games,won my respect and admiration for whatyou do so well on the field. Afterseeing the way you carry yourself as ayoung man on the MTV episode of “TrueLife” and at the heisman award ceremonyI gained a new appreciation of just howgreat my favorite player really is. Thelove you have for your mother and thehard work, determination and talent youhave diplayed on the field will alwayskeep you my favorite hurricane. I canassure you that you have many thousandsof fans from all across the country whoare wishing you the best in your rehab.I know that if you use the hard workand determination you exhibited tobecome the best back in the country onthe best team in the country you willonce again reclaim your all-americanstatus. I wish you all the best Willisand just as I will always be a MiamiHurricane fan I will also always be aWillis McGahee fan.
Mike Whitaker
From Ken Johnston:Wishes and prayers for a speedy andfull recovery to Willis McGahee, froman Ohio State fan who believes he is aclass representative of your team andan outstanding football player.
From Rex Russo: Send best wishes for a speedy recoveryto Willis. I just know in my heart ofhearts that he also has what it takesto make a full recovery. What everlife throws his way, he’s shown that hehas the special power about him.
Not to take away from OSU’s team, but Iimmediately said that Allen was out tohurt Willis the split second I saw himlower his head and aimed. I jumped upshouting it. I just prayed it didn’twork. That prayer wasn’t answered, butthe next will be. If Allen did in factmake a slashing sign across his throatafter the hit, a video clip should besent to OSU’s coach with a stern letter!
Dear Willis,
In my 20 years as a Miami Hurricane I have never been prouder that I am now to say that ” I am Miami Hurricane”. What you have accomplished is incredible. My heart crumbled with you when you went down. You are in my prayers daily. You are truly a champion and a hero. May G-d grant you a speedy and complete recovery. I know you will be back and better than ever.
Michael L. Moritz, M.D.,BA 87
This email is to wish Willis McGaheethe fastest and successful recovery!
I turned away from Miami with all thepast show-boating, etc. I again am aproud Miami Hurricane supporter. Whata class act, with class syudentathletes! You showed such a high levelof class, thank you for bringing meback to the Hurricanes!!!!
John, Minneapolis
From Dan Boldt: I would just like to wish Willismcgahee the best and hope to see himback next season. Our hearts andprayers are with you. It’s player likeyou that make me proud to be ahurricane.
This email is to wish Willis McGaheethe fastest and successful recovery!
I turned away from Miami with all thepast show-boating, etc. I again am aproud Miami Hurricane supporter. Whata class act, with class syudentathletes! You showed such a high levelof class, thank you for bringing meback to the Hurricanes!!!!
John, Minneaplis
I have a request and I don’t know ifyou can help me with it or not, but Iam hoping you can. If you can’t pleaseforward this message to the properdepartment of the University.
I saw the injury that Willis McGaheesufferred in the Fiesta Bowl. I lovethe kid, I thought he was the bestplayer in College Football this year,and I wanted to write him a letter oran email or anything but I cannot findan address for him or an emailaddress. I would be greatlyappreciative if you could give me oneor the other, I know you are probablynot allowed to do so and if this reallyis the case then I would be satisfiedif you could forward him an email fromme or something like that. I just wanthim to know that there are people allover the country that want to see himmake a full recovery, and to see himsucceed in the sport that he is sogifted in.
Please let me know and thank’s a lot,Brandon Nichols
From Andre Simonson: I really hope Willis is ok. Forgettfootball, I be glad to see him walk. MyDad has been a Miami fan for 10 plusyears. I was never had a particularteam. But seeing how the team playedtheir hearts out, I am a Miami fan forlife. The call was B.S. I just hopeWillis knows that he as well as the teamhas fan support. Especially inCincinnati, Ohio. Go Canes!
From Arlene Johnson:Just to let you know that WestVirginia fans are concerned about Mr.McGahee’s health. We hope he has a100% complete recovery. Manyblessings to him, and your team, asyou help him through this tough time.
From Pete Hohlbein: Just want to wish Willis McGahee aspeedy and full recovery! He is aspecial talent and Buckeye fans arepraying for him!
From Don Branham: Please forward to the football program.
I am an OSU fan in Columbus, and wouldlike to say that I’m very glad thatWillis McGahee’s knee surgery wassuccessful. I was very disturbed to seethe injury occur.
Also, I want to pass on mycongratulations to Coach Coker, hisstaff and team for a very successfulyear. I’m sure they will be backfighting for the national championshipagain next year. I only hope OSU isthere again as well.
Good Luck and GOD’s blessing to Willis.Thanks!
From Michael Rose: Hello Willis, this short note is towish you a quick and full recoveryfrom your unfortunate injury. I had afantastic time watching you and theother Hurricanes this year, Thank You,you guys are the greatest! I’m sure Ispeak for a lot of fans when I sayHave a GREAT NEXT SEASON!All the very best in the New Year…Mike (A Big Fan) RoseLighthouse Point
From Mark Huffaker: Hey I just wanted to Congratulate thefootball team on their season. And thatthey won the Feista Bowl the refs justdidn’t want them to win it. And I amsorry for that. I also want to wishWillis McGahee the best of luck on hisrecovery. I have had similar injuriesand they are very painful and I knowwhat he is going through. Well Thankyou. And good luck Next Season
To Mr. Willis McGhee:
Despite the fact that I am a GATOR fan,I wish you a quick and easy recovery. Isubmit that you are such a talentedrunning back that even your opponentswant to see you do well.
Congrats your 2002 season and I lookforward to watching you play again.
Hi. My name is Geoff Olson. I am 14years old and am from Sioux City,Iowa. Like many other people, I sawWillis McGahee get hurt in the FiestaBowl on January 3rd, 2003. I felt verybad for him, and now I have heardpeople saying how his football careeris done. It makes me mad. I believethat Willis will make a full recoveryand will come back and dominate collegefootball and then will excell in theNFL. He is a very special back. I amjust wondering if there is any placewhere I can type a letter to himtelling him how I feel and how I hopehe will recover. Thank you for yourtime.
-Geoff Olson
From Eric: I would like to wish a heartfeltspeedy recovery to Willis McGahee. Iam an Ohio State graduate whoobviously enjoyed this year’schampionship game. Nontheless, Icringed when McGahee went down. Noyoung man should have his careerjeopardized while in his prime. I knowit happens – that’s football. Itdoesn’t mean I have to like it.If there is any way to get this toWillis, just let him know: Iappreciate his skill, demeanor, andfighting spirit as a footballplayer…and I look forward to seeinghim play in the pros. You are afighter – so fight with all yourmight, rehabilitate your knee, and bethe best you can be. You have a lot ofpeople rooting for you – on BOTH sidesof the ball.
All within the UM family know who wonon the 3rd…..God Bless all of you andI pray for a speedy recovery to Willis’knee and for a speedy recovery mentallyto ease the bitterness in my own heartAND for all who were crushed by theinjustice in the Fiesta Bowl.
Jim Fowler,BA’70
You guys were robbed! The Big East wasrobbed. Even worse than losing the gamewas the injury to McGahee. We send ourprayers for a complete recovery forhim. I am still stunned by theunfairness of that particular hit andall of its ensuing ramifications forhis future. Know that even as WVU fansand alumni, we will be following hisprogress and rooting for his completerehibilitation.
From Gary Proctor: Just wanted to let Willis McGahee knowthat he is still the man and that allof his loyal fans are here for him.I’llmake sure to say an extra prayer forhim and hope to see #2 back next yearto carry the canes’ back to the top! Ialso wanted to say thanks to the teamand everyone involved in Miami footballfor their hard work and dedication inseeing that this years team upheldMiami tradition.You are still THECHAMPS!Good Luck to Ken Dorsey and therest of the seniors.Keep your head upWillis, Heisman next year!!
From Gary Storms: Please convey to Willis McGahee ourbest wishes for a full and speedyrecovery. He seems like an admirableyoung man and was a pleasure to watchin the National Championship.
From PSteger: There is strong concensus here inBuckeye land that:
1) Miami is truly an awesome team ofchampionship caliber. We respect yourprogram even more now.
2) The Buckeye nation wishes Willis aspeedy and complete recovery. He is atremendous athlete – you hate to seethat happen to anyone. As he left thefield, we could see he was a truewarrior.
The talk here in Columbus has been allpositive about your time and Willis.Our best wishes to your great programand perhaps the best college game ofall time, played by two champions! Wejust happened to be ahead when timefinally ran out.
From Steve Williams: This message is for Magahee. My prayersare with you during your rehab. I wentthrough a knee ingury during mysophmore year at colgate University.and it help to get encouraament fromothers. I know you have a strongsupport system around you so usr it. Analways remember you can do anythingythrough christ. I will continue topray for you. ( you are one of the bestbacks i have seen in long time butrember you are more than just a runningback you are a child of god)
To Willis McGahee,
Best wishes for a full and healthyrecovery. Your future still remainsbright. Good Luck to you.
A Concerned Buckeye Fan