H&R Block Tax Relief Night At Mark Light Stadium
March 12, 2001
Has Tax season got you stressed? Have you procrastinated in preparing yourtaxes this year? Have no fear. During this Saturday, March 17th game vs.East Carolina, H & R Block representatives will be on hand to prepare your1040 EZ’s for FREE. That’s right, fans, FREE. They will also be available toanswer any tax questions you may have. Bring your W2 forms with you, andrepresentatives will prepare your taxes while you enjoy the ballgame. MarkLight Stadium gates open for season ticket holders at 5:30 PM. All otherfans will be admitted into the ballpark at 6:00 PM. Game time is scheduledfor 7:00 PM.
Your Miami Hurricanes are in action this weekend against East CarolinaUniversity. Game time for the Friday and Saturday game is 7:00 PM.Sunday’s game is at 1:00 PM. Log on to This Week in Baseball for a detaileddescription of this weekend’s activities.