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More Senior Salutes!

Nov. 24, 2000

The Hurricane seniors will be recognized in a pre-game ceremony this Saturday at 3:30 at the Orange Bowl when Miami plays Boston College in the season finale. Order your tickets online today or call 1-800-GO-CANES.

James Jackson from Dwight Heard, West Palm Beach
JJ thanks for staying your last year of eligibility. I enjoyed watching you on Saturdays and especially beating FSU on your last try. Good luck for the remainder of the season and next year’s draft.

The FANTASTIC class of 96 from Howard Mulray, Columbus, OH
Thank you, Thank YOU, THANK YOU. It has been an incredible ride. You guys are the foundation on which your Great Coach built another National Championship contender. Thanks to you Miami is the team of the 21st century.

It must have been difficult in the early years but you never gave up and always conducted yourselves with class and dignity. Go out and (WIN) your last two games and remember, there is NO DOUBT that your crew is the best team in the nation…
Love you guys, #1 HURRICANES.

To All Canes Seniors From Bob Boschen, Pensacola FL
Congratulations on a great season. Good luck to all of you, we will miss you.
Happy Holidays.

Dan Morgan from Alvin Mack, St Louis, Missouri
Not much to say to you but one thing….STUD! You’re the man! You’re leadership will be missed!
Santana Moss
Great season Santana! I still believe they don’t incorperate more special plays for you. You need the ball more. With your speed and awearness, you’re deadly! Living in St Louis and a huge Rams fan, the Rams find a way to give the ball to their play makers. You’re another version of Az-Hakim. The size and speed. You’re two of a kind, only that you don’t fumble as much and you have better hands. You get the point. I’ll see you in the NFL Santana! You’d look good in the blue and gold.

Reggie Wayne fromPhil McDaniel, Mia, Fl
What’s up Reggie, this is Phil I met youthe night after the VTec game in Black Gold.I want to know what you think about theB.C.S. ranking Fl. ST over the Canes. Anddo you think we still have a change to playin the Orange Bowl for the National Title.

Santana Moss from Tony Zumpano, West Chicago, IL
I love watchin u play. ur so exciting and u bring the fun back to the game.i hope u end up with the minnesota vikings because it would be cool to see u and rancy moss play along side each other. I am a sophomore wide receiver in high school last year i had 50 catches 800 yards and 8 touchdowns in 9 games. My plan is to one day play for the hurricanes.so i f u have any time soon please write me back i am ur biggest supporter.

Santana Moss, Reggie Wayne from Will Dunn, Branchville New Jersey
Santana & Reggie,
I have to say the two of you in my opinion are the best reseving combo in college football. I have some questions for you on approving my game as a wide reciver. What should I do to build up more speed? What is the best way to shake defenders? Good luck to the two of in the bowl games coming up.
A Big Fan,
Will Dunn
Dan MorganDan,
First of all things “I hope you win the Bronko Nagurski Trophy, and the Butkus award because you deserve both of those awards.” In my own opinion you are the best linebacker in college football. Are you friends with Matt Sweeney? I go to the same high school that he did. Dan good luck to you and your team in the post season.
A big Fan,
Will Dunn
P.S. GO CANES!!!!!!

Andre King from Bert Lucas, Tampa, FL
Hey Chief!
Just wanted to say that I have enjoyed watching you and the team turn back into the national power that everyone had always associated with Cane Football.Thanks for the great season and if the NFL doesnt employ you I know that I can get you a job wrestling alligators.

Santana Moss from Jessica, Coral Springs, Florida
I just wanted to say you are the BOMB!! You’re my favorte player in both the NFL and NCAA. You’re so beautiful inside and out. Keep up the good work in the future. I’ll miss watchin’ you wear #6 at UM every Saturday but I’ll love watchin’ you Sunday in the NFL. Peace.

Mike Williamson, Indianapolis,IN….But Miami Native
An AWESOME job in the 2000-2001 season
I’ve been a CANES fan for as long as I can remember! I grew up in the Miami area and used to go to alot of games at the Orange Bowl w/ my dad and used to dream of one day playin for UM! I hold alot of pride in my heart for the canes and am PROUD to see the name Miami at the top of the polls again! It’s due to your abilites the coaching of Coach Davis and the rest of the hard work by the entire team that has gotten this team back to the place it should be!!I commend you guys on this season and thank’s for the memories and of course… GO CANES!!!!!! Sincerly,
Mike Williamson(cane24)

Well Canes I want to thank you guys for this awsome year. Specially to the near-departed seniors. I am not going to name specific senior because i believe that this is a team and there is no I in team. But i have to admit that i thank god you seniors decided 4 or 5 years ago to come to Miami you guys pick up and remodel this program and 4 years later is the best football program in the nation. Now is it sad to see you guys go but is time for the rest of the country to see you guys on sunday. So i am not that sad. I want you guys to know that no matter what happen with this stupid BCS you guys are going to be National Champions in the Heart of all the Canes Fans and some times that is the most important thing because you guys will live forever. Just remember to finish up strong because what you guys have acomplished in the last four years is hard to replace. Thank you guys and good luck in life and the NFL. GOOOOOOO CANES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Santana Moss From Ashley Williams, Windsor, Connecticut
Dear Santana,
I think that it is really messed pu that Miami isn’t in the no.2 spot for the National Campionship. I really the team and you guys played really well against Syracuse last Saturday. If you do that well the next two games and if Oklahoma loses to Kansas State then you might have a chance at the title. Well, I’ll be watching. GOOD LUCK!!!!
Your Fan,
Ashley Williams