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Q&A with Junior Offensive Lineman Joaquin Gonzalez

Q&A with Junior Offensive Lineman Joaquin Gonzalez

Sept. 13, 2000

Who in your family do you idolize?
I idolize my brother and father, Tony and Joaquin. I admire that in their lives, everything hasn’t been given to them. They have always had to work hard and give a lot of effort.

What player did you pretend to be as a kid?
Growing up, I always wanted to be the superstars like Dan Marino and Joe Montana. As an offensive lineman, you don’t really choose a player to be like?

Who do you think is the best player ever at your position?
Playing today, I would have say Jacksonville Jaguars offensive tackle Tony Bosselli. His technique is so sound.

What do you like to watch on television?
My current favorite show is Sex in the City on HBO.

Some people would be surprised to learn this about you?
Believe it or not, I am really not that smart. I guess I have a lot of common sense.

Last time you were amazed about one of your accomplishments?
I was amazed that in my freshman year, as a walk-on, I ended up starting and earning BIG EAST Rookie of the Year. I had no idea that was coming. It was so amazing.

If you could be Head Coach for the day, what would you do?
I would give the team a free trip to Disney World.

What two traits would you like to borrow from two of your teammates?
I would like to borrow the speed of Santana Moss and the hitting ability of Dan Morgan.

Best sports memory playing for Miami?
My favorite sports memory was the UCLA victory during my freshman year and the first time I ran out through the tunnel onto the field earlier that season.

Who was your favorite roommate at UM, and why?
My favorite roommate has been (fellow offensive lineman) Martin Bibla. Our personalities are so identical.