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Ask Andre'!

Aug. 23, 2000

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Blake Parker (Rockledge, FL)
I’ve been a Hurricane fan since 1977 and will be traveling from Rockledge with other Cane friends for the opener.I know McNeese State is not a real powerhouse team, but are you guys preparing as if they were Washington? And are the first string offense and defense going to play the entire game to prepare for the following week?

A: Hi Blake,
We will prepare for McNeese State just like FloridaState. We can not afford to look past anybody. Werespect our opponents and will not look ahead. Wetake all of our games one at a time and I think thatis important.
See you at the Orange Bowl!

Antonio Castillo (Miami)
Hi Andre’,
I was just wondering if you think you have a really good chance at winning the championship or at least the BIG EAST conference?

A: Hello Antonio,
That is the reason why we attend big schools such as the University ofMiami, to have a chance to compete for national honors. This is our goaland we play for nothing less.

Cody Allen (Lubbock, TX)
First of all I’m a huge Hurricane fan. Being from Texas many people frown on me when I say say I’m a Hurricane fan, they say, why not the Longhorns, or the Aggies, but they just can’t keep up with the mystique and swagger the ‘Canes bring.
Anyway, How do you think DJ Williams will fit into the linebacker system, without Nate Webster? Will he have an instant impact or what? Lastly, will Dan Morgan be the greatest linebacker in ‘Cane history? Thanx, and good luck this year, bring us back the hardware.

A: What’s up Cody!
You’re a true fan. Thanks for the support.
I feel that any player thatcomes in and can learn the system has a chance to play here. I have heardnothing but good things about D.J. I would love to see him come in andcontribute. Dan is the man, with his size, strength and speed I don’t seewhy he could not be one of the best to play linebacker here – justcompare his stats.

William Karr (St. Thomas, VI)
Over the past few weeks I have been reading a considerable amount of material on the status of the teams by position. What has stood out is the youth of the OL along with questions of a reliable QB back-up.

We lost a couple of our best OL due to graduation, how are we looking on the replacements and what is the status of a QB back-up?

Finally, am I reading the OL line-up correct, are all of the replacements on the same side of the line? Good Luck – At least one of the Virgin Islands Hurricane alumni attend every home game.

A: William,
This year we might have the most talented o-line that Miami has had in avery long time. We have guys in the trenches who are athletic, versatileand can do a lot of extraordinary things at their positions – so that shouldbe one of our strengths.Andre’

Brad Dillahunty (Laguna Niguel, CA)
It is obvious that, “The Attack is Back,” theme is going to be a reoccuring phrase with young skill players such as Jason Geathers, Andre Johnson, and Willie Dixon at receivers as well as Clinton Portis, Jarrett Payton, and Willis McGahee at running back. Can you talk about the different skills each brings to the team? Thanks for reading my question.
P.S. I’ve been a Longhorns fan since 1990, sorry. But you guys are still a really cool team, and a lot of fun to watch. Thanks again.

A: Brad,
Each of the players that you mentioned brings speedand excitement to our program, so when it is time topass on the torch they will be ready!Andre’

Ryan Holloway (Gainesville)
I have been a ‘Canes fan ever since I was at the elementary school on your campus. Now stuck in Gator Country, it does me great satisfaction to represent the greatest football program in the nation – UM.
I have two questions. How are the relationships with the players and coaches? Also, I know there are many young players on the team who could step in and start at other schools. But who is the best young player we’ve yet to hear of? Thanks and looking forward to seeing you and the rest of the Canes take the field Aug. 31.

A: Ryan,
The coaches here are great people and I think thatis important for a succesful program.We have a bundle of talented young players so onlytime will tell how good they can really be.

