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Andre's Answers

Andre's Answers

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James H Dunleavy (Valley View, PA)
Q: Andre,
I was wondering with the talent that there is at both wide receiverand running back which do you think will end up being used the most withKen Dorsey behing center? And which strength does the offensive linehave the most? Run blocking or pass blocking? Good luck and go all theway canes!!!!!!!!

James Dunleavy

A: Hi Jimmy,
We plan to mix it up and get the guys who are making the plays the ball.The good thing about our offense is that we have so many weapons thatdefenses won’t be able to key on one position of our offense. Being thatour new slogan this year is “The Attack is Back” we will have the widereceiver attack, the running back attack and the quarterback attack. Wehave to keep our opponents and you fans on our toes!

Our O-line has a lot of young talent with speed and blocking ability tocreate plays downfield with their athletic ability.

See you at the OB!

Sean M Quinn (Ft. Lauderdale, FL)
Q: Who do you think will be the toughest team the canes willhave to play this year? and why?

A: Hey Sean,
The toughest teams of course, every year include Florida State and VirginiaTech, along with Washington, on the road. In my opinion, if we want to beplaying in the Orange Bowl on Jan. 4th, they are all big games. We have toplay well each and every Saturday to get to that National Championship game.

See you there,

Nick Conte (Daytona Beach, FL)
Q: Andre’,Who is your biggest influence on the UM team since joining theHurricanes?

(Good luck and best wishes for a great season)

You guys are the best!!!

A: Hey Nick, What’s up?

I feel my biggest influence on the team has been our strength andconditioning coaches, Rob and Andrew. During the summer they have gotten mybody prepared physically for an entire season with speed and endurancedrills.

Dan, Joseph, C. (Weston, FL)
Q: What’s going on Dre? I was just browsing through the Canespage and saw this. Hope everything is going great at practice foreveryone. i want to see us win a championship again.have a great camp. see ya around.

A:Hey Dan,
What’s up?
Come out to the Orange Bowl and support your old team.

Ryan, Ellis, T (Elizaville, NY)
Q: Andre,
Hi my name is ryan ellis and i will be attending UM as a freshmen thisyear. I was just wondering how hard it is to keep up your studies whileplaying football and what kind of services are available to you as aplayer. Thanks and good luck this year. I’ll be at all the home games.


A: Welcome to UM Ryan,

You might be in one of my classes so say hi if you are.

It’s not hard at all to keep up with your studies. You just have to make aschedule of your day and keep your priorities in order.

Try and fit our home games on into your schedule – keep your Saturdays freeand you should be just fine.


James, Short, R. (Port St. Lucie, FL)
Q: Andre’ –

Is the Hurricane swagger back? Are the canes ready to reclaim thechampionship this year?

I think that every self-respecting Hurricane fan wants to see thathappen, especially when FSU comes into our backyard. Let’s not take anyprisoners!

The time has come to start a new winning streak with an indominibleattitude.

Do you see change on the face of um football?

Thanks for your reply, and go canes!

Jim Short

(hurricane fan for 41 years)

A: Hello Jim,

We are going for it all this year. The goal on our mind entering the seasonis to win every game.

Thanks for your support.


William, Karr, M (St. Thomas, Virgin Islands)
Q: Over the past few weeks I have been reading a considerableamount of material on the status of the teams by position. What hasstood out is the youth of the OL along with questions of a reliable QBback-up.

We lost a couple of our best OL due to graduation, how wre we looking onthe replacements and what is the status of a QB back-up.

Finally, am I reading the OL line-up correct, are all of thereplacements on the same side of the line?

Good Luck – At least one of the Virgin Islands Hurricane alumni attendevery home game.

A: William,
This year we might have the most talented o-line that miami has had in avery long time. We have guys in the trenches that are athletic, versitileand can do a lot of extraordinary things at their positions. So that shouldbe one of our strengths.
