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Q&A with Freshman Defensive End John Square

Q&A with Freshman Defensive End John Square

Aug. 10, 2000

You’re on a sinking ship. Your family is already safe on a raft. What items would you want to take with you?
The Bible and some valuable items like my wallet and car keys.

Name one player you would not want to go up against if your soul was on the line?
Tony Bosselli. He is so tall and his arms are so long. I can’t see how a defensive end can get around him.

Who in your family do you idolize?
My father, Ronald, because he is a good role model and a good man. A real man.

Some people would be surprised to learn this about you?
I’m smart and friendly and I make a lot of friends.

Last time you were amazed about one of your accomplishments?
Finishing number 18 in my senior class in academics out of 308 students.

Who do you think is the best player ever at your position?
Tennessee Titans defensive end Jevon Kearse. His first year in the NFL was explosive. No one could stop him.

How would you want the fans to remember you after you leave UM?
I want the fans to remember me as a smart and intelligent football player.

You are on an around the world trip. Pick one book, something to read and a celebrity that you would like to travel with?
The book would be The Bible. I would want to listen to my Jagged Edge CD. I wouldn’t mind travelling with Lisa Ray.

What do you think was the greatest sports moment of the past century?
When Michael Jordan came back to basketball after his father’s death. He had so much to deal with, being Michael Jordan and everything. Losing his father was very painful.

What is your favorite TV show?

What player did you pretend to be while growing up?
Reggie White.