CAREER:Impressive athlete who has helped the team as a reservequarterback, receiver and running back…joined the team prior tothe 2001 season…moved to running back prior to the 2003 springpractice…vital member of the Hurricane scout team who filled therole of Nebraska quarterback Eric Crouch in workouts leading up toMiami’s 2002 Rose Bowl win…business management major.
2003 (SOPHOMORE): Saw action in four games on specialteams in 2003…played against Louisiana Tech, East Carolina,Temple and Rutgers.
2002 (FRESHMAN): Carried the ball one time against FloridaA&M for a gain of five yards.
2001 (REDSHIRT): A member of the Hurricanes’ scout teamduring his redshirt season in 2001…filled the role of Nebraska’s EricCrouch leading up to the 2002 Rose Bowl.
HIGH SCHOOL: Played for Phil Hayford at ShorecrestPrep…played quarterback and kicker…was honorable mention ClassA All-State at quarterback in 2000…All-Pinellas County Class A atquarterback. First-Team All-Bay Conference Class A quarterback as asenior…excellent student who earned a spot on the All-CityAcademic Team in 2000 and on the All-Pinellas County ScholasticTeam by the St. Petersburg Times…honorable mention All-Pinellaschoice by the St. Peterburg Times at quarterback as a senior in2000…completed 43 of 82 passes for 922 yards with five inter-ceptionsand six touchdowns in his senior season…rushed for 359yards on 64 carries (5.6 avg.) and one touchdown…scored on two-pointconversion…made 26 tackles (16 solo) on defense…excelledin a Wing-T offense…earned the St. Petersburg Junior ExchangeCitizenship Award…his senior class’ Citizen of the Year atShorecrest Prep as chosen by the faculty…member of Who’s WhoAmong American high School students all four years at ShorecrestPrep…member of the National Honor Society as a junior and a sen-ior…as a sophomore, kicked a career-long 44-yard field goal.