Bark in the Park Event Info & Rules


  • Rabies – given annually, but sometimes can be a 3 year.
  • DHLP – (Distemper, Hepatitis, Leptospirosis, Para influenza) – all given annually, sometimes referred to as the Combo Vaccination, especially when it includes Parvo.
  • Parvo – given annually, many times this is included in the DHLP and indicated as DHLPP.
  • Bordatella – given either every six months or annually. Sometimes referred to as: Kennel Cough OR Tracheobronchitis.


Yes, if your dog:

  • Is old enough to be around other dogs and people (at least 4 months of age)
  • Is up-to-date on all required vaccinations
  • Is in relatively good health and can walk up and down several flights of stairs
  • Does well on-leash and is not overly aggressive toward other dogs
  • Is friendly toward humans and not excessively fearful
  • Is a Canes fan!

Probably not, if your dog:

  • Is still too young to mix with a big crowd (under 4 months of age)
  • Is a senior dog that would have trouble navigating stairs and being outside for an extended period of time
  • Has aggressive tendencies towards other dogs or humans while on-leash (or off)
  • Is a Demon Decons fan! (Just kidding, all are welcome!)
  • Is exhibiting any signs of illness close to the day of the game (i.e. cough, nasal discharge, lethargy, diarrhea, etc)
  • These symptoms can be signs of potentially infectious illnesses and it would probably be best for your dog as well as the other dogs in attendance, if they did not attend.

Older dogs, dogs with short muzzles and/or dogs in general that are quickly prone to heat exhaustion should consider not attending this event or possibly plan on not staying for the entire game. Even though there will be cool water, pools and shady spots available, the heat may be too much for some dogs to handle. Dogs cool themselves down by panting and are not nearly as efficient as us humans. Please keep the comfort and safety of your dog in the forefront of your mind when planning out this fun night at the park.

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