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Organized Group Tailgate Parties – Hospitality Village

Let the University of Miami take care of the details for you! You canreserve space just outside of the Orange Bowl in Hospitality Village foryour friends, family or business to get together for your own privatetailgate without all the planning details. No need to worry about finding aplace around the Orange Bowl for your tailgate, we’ll take care of thespace, food, beverages, tent and atmosphere so you and your guest can sitback and enjoy what a true tailgate party is all about. For additionalinformation about Hospitality Village, please contact Brad Matthews at305-284-4475 or email him at See you there!

“Having a tailgate at the Orange Bowl is a great way for people to meet atone central location before the game. By providing a tent, food, andbeverages, your guests don’t have to prepare and you can enjoy the pre-gamefestivities as well. We are making it a tradition so our alumni members lookforward to attending every year.”

Scott Mendelsberg
Pi Kappa Alpha Alumni