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'Canes Get Back To Work

'Canes Get Back To Work

March 28, 2000

CORAL GABLES, Fla. — The University of Miami football team continuedspring practice, with a two hour and 30 minute practice in helmets and fullpads, at the Greentree Practice Facility on the UM campus.

Following pre-practice warm-ups, the team broke off into theirrespective position groups to work on fundamental drills. After the positionworkouts, the offense and defense separated and worked on their plays andformations. The practice ended with a full contact 11-on-11 scrimmage.

After practice, head coach Butch Davis spoke about how the team hasprogressed during spring practice.

“I think as a mid-term grade you would have to say that springpractice has been pretty much a success. We’re staying relatively healthy,we have some bumps, but the thing you have to look at is the improvementwith a lot of the younger players.”

Coach Davis then discussed the play of the Robert Williams and NickNettles, two players who changed positions this spring.

Robert Williams is doing some things at tight end that gives reasonto believe that he will be a valuable contributor. Our coaches have alsobeen encouraged by the play of Nick Nettles. In the scrimmage, this pastSaturday, he ran the ball well, but the main thing is that he’s a ferociousblocker. He’s been a very pleasant surprise.”

Davis also addressed the achievements of the young players on thedefensive side.

“Defensively, we’ve talked about how impressive Dan Morgan, AlBlades and Ed Reed have been, but some of the young guys are really playingwell. Larry Anderson has been a pleasant surprise, just watching himdevelop, he’s doing some things that are very positive as a pass rusher. Wealso moved LaVaar Scott to defensive end and he’s made some real progress.It’s obvious that he’s a playmaker and he really hasn’t even been coached atthe position.”

The Hurricanes will resume practice on Wednesday, March 29 at 3:00 p.m. atthe Greentree Practice Facility on the Coral Gables Campus.

Spring Practice will conclude with CanesFest and the annual SpringGame at the Orange Bowl on Saturday, April 8. This year’s CanesFest willfeature the unveiling of the Hurricanes new uniforms for the 2000 season.Events for CanesFest will include season-ticket select-a-seat, “Ask theCoach” session, Fun Zone interactive area and an autograph session followingthe game with Hurricane players and coaches.

For ticket information for the upcoming 2000 college footballseason, please contact the Hurricane Ticket Box Office at 1-800-GO CANES or(305) 284-CANES in Dade County.