Game Information For Home-Opener
Sept. 2, 1999
Florida A&M vs. MIAMI
Game Information
Tickets: WEST PLAZA: General Admission – $10, Canes & You for $52 (5 generaladmission tickets, 5 game programs, 5 soft drinks). ALL PLAZAS: $25reserved seats. ADVANCE TICKETS: Penn State tickets can be purchased inadvance at the South Plaza. Game tickets available at all TicketmasterOutlets and the Orange Bowl South Plaza beginning at 3 p.m. and all otherPlazas at 5:00. Will call is located at the South Center Plaza.
Parking: Parking lots open at 3:00 p.m. for fans with prepaid passes. Park& Ride in Lot 18 (NW 12th St. and NW 13th Ave.) for $5. No on site game-dayparking will be available in Orange Bowl lots without a prepaid parkingpass. Metrorail and public transportation are encouraged. Dade Transit:(305) 638-6700. Broward Transit: (954) 357-8400. Tri-Rail: 800-874-7245.
Stadium: Plazas open at 5:00. Lost & Found at Stadium Manager’s Office(Gate 14). First Aid located at Gates 1 & 7.
Restrictions: No umbrellas, video cameras, alcohol or coolers. Smokingpermitted only in concourses.
Last-minute questions: Call the OB, (305) 643-7100.
Pre-game events: Touchdown Alley, including Hurricane Club pre-game party,opens in the East Endzone at 5:00 p.m. (enter fieldgate 6 or 7). StormFront student tailgating in lot E4 at 3:00 p.m. Hospitality Village in NE1starting at 4:00 p.m. Future Canes enter NE plaza and sit in section M.
Promotions: 10,000 schedule magnets distributed at all Plazas.
Stadium Information Booths: Information booths will be located in front ofSVIP parking lot by Gate 8, in front of N1 parking lot by Gate 5, and in theWest Plaza.