Going the Distance: Christian Cook
CORALGABLES, Fla. – TheUniversity of Miami track and field teams are hard at work preparing for theirupcoming season. Each week, HurricaneSports.com will introduce you to membersof the cross-country and track and field programs.
Inaddition, be sure to follow UM Track & Field/ Cross Country on Twitter (@MiamiTrack) for the latest news on the squad.
Continuingon the “Going the Distance” series, find out about sophomore Christian Cook…
Hometown: Houston, Texas
HighSchool: Cy-Fair
Major: Criminology
Why did you decide to attend the University of Miami?
Miamihas always been my dream school and I grew up loving Miami because my dadplayed football here during the 80’s.
What was the best aspect of being part of Miami’sTrack teams?
Iwould say it is the fact you know your teammates won’t leave you behindand will push you to the end of the workout. Also the fact that ourteam is really close and goofy but means business.
You have accomplished quite a bit while atMiami. What do you feel is your biggest accomplishment throughout yourcollegiate career?
Makingthe finals of the indoor 60 hurdles and placing third in 4×100 relayat the ACC Conference Outdoor meet, seeing it has been a while for a men’s teamto get a medal.
Who has had the biggest influence on your career?
Myfamily to say the least, but my brother is the one who keeps me on track.
What are some of your goals for the season?
Thereare so many I have, including qualifying for the NCAA Indoor Championships for60m hurdles and placing third or higher in ACC 60m hurdles. I also want to makeregionals outdoor for 110 hurdles and both the 4×100 and 4×400 relays.
Have you ever played any other sports?
Iplayed football and basketball while in high school.
What do you feel was the biggest challenge you cameacross in since your arrival?
Itwould have to be learning to balance my time. Knowing when to have funand when to crack down on school work.
What is/are thebiggest difference(s) between high school and competing at the collegiate level?
Theworkouts are a lot more intense; you are running with grown men out there,its faster than many think.
What did you do, both individually and as a team, toprepare right before a meet?
Individually,I listen to a special playlist called “Meditation” to get my mindright. As a team, we do our usual routines – wake up, shake out, go eat, getdressed, head to track to go over hurdles and get a feel for the track.
What do you do away from running and studying torelax?
Listeningto my music, watching television, hanging with my teammates and friends.
What are three words that describe you and why?
Compassionate.Determined. Hard-working. I say this because I love what I do and want to bethe best at it and will work hard to get it.