X's And O's With Coach Kantrow
Coach Kantrow enters his third season as a member of the Hurricane coachingstaff. His responsibilities at UM include coaching the Hurricanes’ offense,practice preparation, scouting, player development and on-floor instruction.
To run motion, you must know your personnel. Some people don’t run motionbecause they don’t know when the shot is going to be taken, and who will beshooting it. In motion, you need to know who can catch the ball, who canscreen, who can make the difficult pass, who can shoot off a screen, etc.You can designate each players role, the number of passes, who will take theshot, and from where. Knowing the attributes of each of your players andestablishing the discussed parameters can answer those concerns of runningmotion.
Point to Wing PassWing to Point PassPoint to Wing PassNever Pass Up A Screening OpportunityMotion Breakdown DrillsMotion Breakdown Drills ContinuedMotion Breakdown Drills Continued, Drill 2: Flare Screen DrillMotion Breakdown Drill Continued, Drill 3: Flare Screen, Down Screen
Motion Breakdown Drill Continued, Drill 4: Flare Screen, Down Screen (point)