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Meet the Freshmen: Defense

Meet the Freshmen: Defense

by Christy Cabrera Chirinos

CORAL GABLES, Fla. –  As the Hurricanes prepare to kick off a new season, we asked some of the newest members of Miami’s football team – the freshmen – to tell us a little bit about themselves.

We asked them all five questions. Here’s what those freshmen on the defensive side of the ball had to say, in their own words.

Collins Acheampong

Position: Defensive line

Hometown: Cape Coast, Ghana

Why did you choose to play college football at Miami?

“I think being African the thing I grew up with is culture. Coming here to America to play sports, the type of people you want to surround yourself with is great people and people who know where you want to get to and how they want to help you. Miami has everything I wanted – the coaches, the people, culture and even the history behind it. I wanted to be a part of it.”

Who’s your favorite Hurricane, past or present?

“Present, Akheem Mesidor. I think just how hard he’s worked, his past, and what he’s doing right now, I see him going hard every single day and I definitely look up to him every single day. Past, Calais Campbell. We’re almost the same size. He might be a smidge taller than me, but we’re about the same size, defensive end. I definitely look to him.”

Who is your role model and why?

“I wouldn’t say I have one role model. I always have things I pick up from people. Everyone has something good about them. In this journey of life, you meet a lot of people. You take the good and discard the bad. And so, my mother, Nancy and Stan Beatty and Amber. They are all the people who came into my life and played a huge role in it and they keep playing a whole role in it…My mother is back in Ghana, so Nancy and Stan are a couple I lived with the first three years I was in America and Amber, I lived with her for about six months my senior year, and she really just took care of me day and night. She’s like my second mother.”

What is something people would be surprised to learn about you?

“That I only have a year and a half of football under my belt. I only played football my freshman year and didn’t play again until my senior year and only played three games. I think I’m going to have a longer college career than I’ve ever had with football…When I first got to America, I was given the opportunity to try and play football because I was much bigger, to try and get in shape. And the moment I stepped on the field, I fell in love with it. Then Covid hit, and because it was a small, private school, they canceled the football program. I played two years of basketball after, but my senior year, I played football again.”

What makes Miami football so special?

“I think Coach Cristobal. He plays a huge part. He’s been the same since day one. I love the idea of what he’s doing. The culture he’s trying to grow and instill in us are the things your parents would teach you at home. He’s trying to set the mindset that when you give your best right now, you prepare for the battles that are going to come. I really love it. That’s how I see myself. I want to be the best I can be every single day because I don’t know what’s going to come. But whatever’s going to come, I’m going to be ready.”

Raul Aguirre, Jr.

Position: Linebacker

Hometown: Miami, Fla.

Why did you choose to play college football at Miami?

“I’ve definitely felt like, since I was a kid, Miami was the place for me. Originally, I’m from down here. I lived down here when I was younger. We moved when I was 10, but my whole family is from down here and I’ve always loved watching Miami football. Now, the fact that I’m able to choose what school I want to go to, and Miami wants me, of course, it was the right decision…Miami is special. They have not just great players that want to come here and make the team great, they have a great coaching staff and great people. I think that’s the biggest thing when you look around away from football, people that actually truly care about you…Miami is a special place for me and my family. It felt like a perfect decision.”

Who’s your favorite Hurricane, past or present?

“I’m going to have to say Ray Lewis. I really like Ed Reed’s mindset and playing, too…They were football. It was like ‘What are you going to do?’ It’s what I love, and you have to be strong. So, Ed Reed and Ray Lewis, for sure.”

What’s your favorite football memory?

“Probably playing with my brother, Markel. He’s a freshman. Probably playing with him my senior year. He started behind me, and I saw him go nuts – two interceptions one game, three blocked punts one game, took one back to the house. Being able to play with him…just to see him do that…that was the best moment.”

Who is your role model and why?

“My mom, Constance. The fact that she’s able to do what she does, get up for work every day and do it all…of course, there have been struggles. But she stays strong. My dad pushes me with everything, and I appreciate him for that. But my mom has really taken the load.”

What makes Miami football so special?

“The swag. The fact that since I was young, I was watching. You’d turn on the TV and watching everybody come to the game. When Miami’s good, nobody can mess with them…I think that’s special. No other team has that ability to have that. And then there’s the city. It’s Miami…there are a lot of opportunities in this city. That’s what made me want to come here.”

Rueben Bain, Jr.

Position: Defensive line

Hometown: Miami, Fla.

Why did you choose to play college football at Miami?

“It felt like home and the best place for me on and off the field. Having the chance to play for your city is a good feeling, a good opportunity and I took that opportunity.”

Who’s your favorite Hurricane, past or present?

“I’d have to say my uncle, Tolbert Bain. He’s bigger, a big dude who played DB. He was a bigger DB, especially for his time frame. And from what I know, he talked a lot of trash. I’m the opposite of that. There’s a little contradiction there.”

Who’s your role model and why?

“I’d probably say my brother. He did the college student-athlete path before me, and I was able to see him. I was there almost every step of the way. Now, I’m doing it, and he’s there with me, too.”

What’s something people would be surprised to learn about you?

“I’m a photographer. Around seventh grade, my uncle bought me a camera and I just kept taking pictures. I liked it and I’ve been doing it since then.”

What makes Miami football so special?

“I’d say the swagger that comes with it and really, the best team in college football. When Miami’s on top, nothing’s better than that…When Miami is doing its thing, that’s when everything is going right.”

Damari Brown

Position: Defensive back

Hometown: Fort Lauderdale, Fla.

Why did you choose to play college football at Miami?

“I’ve seen the vision with Coach Mario Cristobal. He preached the whole recruiting process how we needed to get the right-minded people here and if we play with one accord with these freak athletes we just brought in, in a year or two, Miami will be back.”

What are you looking forward to most about taking the field at Hard Rock Stadium for the first time?  

“Just looking to put a smile on my parents’ face and doing what my coaches ask me to do and do it for my hometown.”

Who’s your favorite Hurricane, past or present?

“I’d say my dad, in the past. Dad used to hold it down back there. I also like Duke Johnson. He used to run it.”

What’s something people would be surprised to learn about you?

“I like to bowl. I’ve hit up to 200. I might even get my own ball made soon.”

What makes Miami football so special?

“The culture. That orange and green, going back from those many years, it just means so much to people from this area and from all around, really. When they know we’re on, we’re on.”

Malik Bryant

Position: Linebacker

Hometown: Orlando, Fla.

Why did you choose to play college football at Miami?

“My choice to play at the University of Miami is because of the tradition and history behind it, that winning tradition. I want to get that tradition back to where it needs to be.”

What are you looking forward to most about taking the field at Hard Rock Stadium for the first time?

“I’m looking forward to just taking it all in, not letting the moment be too big for me, enjoy it with my brothers and come out with the win.”

What’s your favorite football memory?

“I’d say my favorite football memory has to be my freshman year, getting the game-winning sack before the state championship to take us to the state championship.”

Who’s your role model and why? 

“My mom, Teela, is role model and I say that because of how strong she is and how she continues to fight, and she ignites that in me. That’s why I call her my role model.”

What makes Miami football so special?

“I’d say the coaches and the people around the program itself. Just being around the program, being around my brothers on the team, everybody has one goal, and we all continue to fight for each other and push for each other. When you have a lot of guys like that under one roof, that makes a special place.”

Sam Coufal

Position: Defensive line

Hometown: Wales, Wisc.

Why did you choose to play college football at Miami?

“For me, I wanted to play football at the highest level and when I could make that dream come true, I couldn’t have thought of any other place I’d rather be besides Miami. It’s paradise and it has a great history of football. It was a pretty easy decision.”

Who’s your favorite Hurricane, past or present?

“It’s kind of hard not to say Ray Lewis as a defensive player. The level of physicality that he plays with is unmatched. It definitely has to be Ray Lewis, for sure.”

What’s your favorite football memory?

“My senior year, winning the state championship. All the hard work we put in that season and then getting the results that we were working for all season was definitely something to remember and remember the feeling of winning. It’s always something good to bring to the next level.”

Who’s your role model and why?

“My dad, Scott, is definitely my role model. He’s always taught me to do the right thing and become the man that I am today. I text him whenever I need some guidance or assistance and he’s always there for me. Definitely my dad.”

What makes Miami football so special?

“The legacy that Miami football has is unparalleled to any other program in the entire country. So, I think playing with that pride and having that pride in the locker room and in the weight room, just knowing the history…wanting to continue that legacy is a huge thing and definitely helps with the culture and within the team.”

Josh Horton

Position: Defensive line

Hometown: Fairburn, Ga.

Why did you choose to play college football at Miami?

“I felt safest here, in terms of a living aspect and the people I would be around. I felt like the group of coaches here would take care of me and mature me into the best young man I could be.”

What are you looking forward to most about taking the field at Hard Rock Stadium for the first time?

“Winning. That’s the main goal every week. Win and get into it with the crowd, the atmosphere. Everything about it, winning and being in that atmosphere.”

What’s your favorite football memory?

“Winning the state championship my senior year.”

Who’s your role model and why?

“I wouldn’t say I have a singular role model. I just pull from everyone around me. Everyone has some aspect to them I feel like you can pull from and put toward yourself to be the best person you can be, individually. That’s what I try to do.”

What makes Miami football so special?

“Miami football is repped around all of Miami, whether you go an hour north, west, south or east, you’re going to see Miami football. That’s the biggest thing about Miami, the support they have in the area around them is very big.”

Braylon Lamar

Position: Linebacker

Hometown: Cary, N.C.

Why did you choose to play college football at Miami?

“The reason I chose Miami was because of the coaching staff. They have so much knowledge to teach me. And also, what Coach Cristobal is trying to do with the program. It was definitely something I wanted to get behind and be a part of. That’s why I chose to come here.”

Who’s your favorite Hurricane, past or present?

“Ray Lewis. Me, personally, I wasn’t always the most confident person, but watching him play and just be so passionate about what he loves just helped me grow as a player and as a person. It’s just been great to watch him.”

What’s your favorite football memory?

“Definitely going to have to say my junior year. It was the third round of playoffs, and we weren’t really expected to make it that far. At the end of the game, having my family there, I remember seeing my dad come out and give me a big hug and tell me ‘Good job’ at the end. It was such a great feeling, making them proud.”

Who is your role model and why?

“My role model is definitely my dad, James. He’s everything I want to be in a man. I like what he stands for. He always pushes me. He’s a great guy.”

What makes Miami football so special?

“What makes us special, I would say, is how we compete. We’re never going to give up. We’re always going to show up 100 percent and give it our all and every game, we’re coming to win and show the reason why we’re here.”

Marcellius Pulliam

Position: Linebacker

Hometown: Tyrone, Ga.

Why did you choose to play college football at Miami?

“The culture. They have a great linebacker culture here and the family atmosphere. [Head] coach [Mario] Cristobal, [linebackers] coach [Derek] Nicholson and all the coaches really care for us and want the best for us. Taking all of that into consideration out of all the schools, Miami was the one that really stuck out to me.”

What are you looking forward to most about taking the field at Hard Rock Stadium for the first time?

“The fans, the crowd going crazy, me just making the plays I’m supposed to make…and my family being there, watching me and supporting me the whole way.”

Who’s your favorite Hurricane, past or present?

“I’d say Ray Lewis. He played linebacker. He played ‘mike,’ I play ‘mike.’ That’s a guy I always looked up to blooming on the football field and getting better every day.”

What is something people would be surprised to learn about you?

“On the field, I probably look mean. But I’m actually a really nice guy.”

What makes Miami football so special?

“Just everybody buying in. Last year, we came off a 5-7 season and this year, we’re going to turn it around. Just everybody coming together and locking in and pushing each other to be greater…In the weight room, the intensity, the level of support that was going around, building everybody up so they could reach new levels, it was great. I feel like just the teamwork and the consistency is what makes Miami, Miami.”

Cooper Ricks

Position: Defensive line

Hometown: Davidson, N.C.

Why did you choose to play college football at Miami?

“When I came down here, just the culture with all the coaches and how accepting…I was a walk-on, but they still treated me the same as everybody else. It felt like a family to me here.”

What are you looking forward to most about taking the field at Hard Rock Stadium for the first time?

“Just seeing the big stadium. I came from a small high school, so just a big atmosphere is what I’m most excited about.”

What’s your favorite football memory?

“It would have been the first-round [game] of my senior year. We were down against the team that took us out the year before. I had to fill in as an offensive tackle and we ended up scoring a touchdown on the winning drive.”

Who’s your role model and why?

“It would have to be my dad, Geoff. He’s always supported me in anything I’ve wanted to do. He’s never told me I couldn’t do something. He’s always provided me with opportunities to do what I’ve needed to do.”

What makes Miami football so special?

“It’s a mix of the culture and the history. When Miami dominates, they’re the best team out there and people are scared to play them. I believe we’re going to be like that this year.”

Kaleb Spencer

Position: Defensive back

Hometown: Gloucester, Va.

Why did you choose to play college football at Miami?

“I’d say the players, the coaches, the culture. They’re trying to bring Miami back to where it was, and I loved it down here when I came for my visit.”

What are you looking forward to most about taking the field at Hard Rock Stadium for the first time?

“Just playing with my brothers, you know? Getting a ‘W’ every game, just going through the season building memories with my brothers.”

Who’s your favorite Hurricane, past or present?

“Sean Taylor, of course. Just watching him play growing up. I kind of modeled my game after him, being a bigger safety. I try to come down and have a hit stick just like him.”

Who is your role model and why?

“I would say my brother, Isaiah. I grew up watching him and from a little boy, I was doing everything he does. That’s where I get my love for football.”

What makes Miami football so special?

“The culture, the fans, everything about Miami. It’s a great program. I can’t wait to get it back where it was.”

Robert Stafford

Position: Defensive back

Hometown: Melbourne, Fla.

Why did you choose to play college football at Miami?

“It was somewhere I was needed, not wanted. Those are two different things. Plus, it’s close to home. And we have a great DB coach for my position. He takes his players to the league and then Coach Cristobal, I like how he does things. I like the way he does things. It’s perfect.”

What are you looking forward to most about taking the field at Hard Rock Stadium for the first time?

“Just me getting an interception or making a play, just getting in there and making a play. I can’t wait to see all the fans out there, things like that; the college environment.”

Who’s your favorite Hurricane, past or present?

“Devin Hester. I want to return kicks like him, how he did it. I want to be in the same shoes as him, returning kicks and running for touchdowns.”

Who is your role model and why?

“I’d say LeBron James. The way he carries himself on and off the court, he’s a family man…Everything he does, I love it.”

What makes Miami football so special?

“It’s just the dynasty, how they did things, how people were scared of Miami. We’re just trying to get it back to that destination.”

Bobby Washington, Jr.

Position: Linebacker

Hometown: Miami, Fla.

Why did you choose to play college football at Miami?

“It’s home. I don’t want to leave home. And my dad, he came here, he started here. Then he went to N.C. State. I have to finish his legacy off.”

What are you looking forward to most about taking the field at Hard Rock Stadium for the first time?

 “Just getting out there with my team, playing with my team, making tackles. Making noise about myself.”

What’s your favorite football memory?

“My hit against Homestead. He got a toss, and I was at linebacker. I met him at the angle, and I knocked his helmet off.”

Who’s your favorite Hurricane, past or present?

“Sean Taylor. He was a dog. He loved to hit, like me. I love it. He brought more excitement to the game.”

What makes Miami football so special?

“Our physicality. We’re physical. We’re just a team, we’re bonding better than ever, and I think we’re going to go far this season.”

Jayden Wayne

Position: Defensive line

Hometown: Tacoma, Wash.

Why did you choose to play college football at Miami?

“It just felt like home, like a second home to me. And just my connection with Coach Cristobal. I’ve known him since eighth grade. He’s the one who gave me my first offer. Plus, my family really loved it too. And the environment and the community.”

What are you looking forward to most about taking the field at Hard Rock Stadium for the first time?

“Just walking through the tunnel and seeing all the fans. That’s what I’m most looking forward to, and really, playing, too.”

What is your favorite football memory?

“I’d probably say when I got my first sack in pee wee [football] or when I scored my first touchdown.”

Who is your role model and why?

“My parents, Donald and Courtney, are my role models. They really sacrificed a lot for me. They’ve always been there for me.”

What makes Miami football so special?

“It’s the environment. Everyone is so close together. Seeing everyone coming back, all the pros that played here coming back and giving to the community, that’s special.”