Get to Know U: Erika Voyzey
Get to Know U is a series that introduces the newest members of the Miami Hurricane Track & Field family.
After getting insight on @MiamiTrack senior thrower Karyna Armstrong, freshman sprinter Brandon Taylor, freshman jumper Peyton Russell and freshman hurdler McKinly Brown, the latest edition of Get to Know U highlights freshman jumper Erika Voyzey.
Name: Erika Voyzey
Year in School: Freshman
Major: Aeronautical and Mechanical Engineering
Hometown: Warriors Mark, Pa.
1. Why did you decide to attend the University of Miami?
“The U offered me the best of both worlds when it came to academics and athletics. I never wanted to sacrifice one for the other. Miami has the academic standards and the athletic standards that I was looking for.”
2. What is the best aspect of being part of Miami’s Track & Field team so far?
“Just being a part of the team is one of the best aspects. I wake up knowing that I can live my dream of being a student-athlete, and I’m extremely grateful.”
3. What are some of your goals for the season?
“My goal is to be the best that I can be and give everything I have. I have some high hopes for the upcoming season, and I can’t wait to see how it turns out.”
4. What do you feel was the biggest challenge you came across since your arrival?
“The biggest challenge I have is trying to get enough sleep. When you’re in a difficult major, you have no free time, and it’s a constant grind. They key is finding the right balance.”
5. What is the biggest difference between pervious training and how it is now at the University of Miami?
“Back home, we’d train five days out of the seven in a week, but it definitely wasn’t as intense. There’s a lot more running and technique building.”
6. What do you do to prepare right before a meet?
“I try to eat a specific meal for dinner the night before, and when I warm-up, I usually jam to my track playlist. There’s a very specific process, and it’s too complicated to get into.”
7. What do you do away from practice and studying to relax?
“Nothing… yet. Honestly, I just don’t have time to take it easy. I always have class, practice, or homework/studying.”
8. Three words to describe you and why?
“People say I’m determined, friendly, and positive. I guess I really love life, so that’s why.”
Fill in the Blank
Coral Gables is different from my hometown because: Everyone is so diverse. The atmosphere and cultures are so mixed so it makes for a really neat college experience.
Favorite Movie: Iron Man 3
Favorite TV Show: How I Met Your Mother
Favorite Music Artist: Kid Ink
Favorite Meal: Chicken Alfredo