Get to Know U: Brandon Taylor
Get to Know U is a series that introduces the newest members of the Miami Hurricane Track & Field family.
The first edition of Get to Know U introduced @MiamiTrack senior thrower Karyna Armstrong. In the latest installment of Get to Know U, Canes fans are introduced to freshman sprinter Brandon Taylor.
Name: Brandon Taylor
Year in School: Freshman
Major: Exercise Science
Hometown: Friendswood, Texas
1. Why did you decide to attend the University of Miami?
“I chose the Unviersiy of Miami because when I came on my visit the team felt like a family, unlike other schools I visited where they weren’t as close together like the University of Miami track team.”
2. What was the best aspect of being part of Miami’s Track & Field teams so far?
“Getting coached by Coach Diego [Flaquer]. He recruited me to run at Oklahoma State, but I didn’t pick that school. When I found out he would be coaching here, it made my decision even better.”
3. What are some of your goals for the season?
“My goals are to stay healthy, to make indoor and outdoor NCAA nationals and to win the ACC 60 meters with a new personal best and also the 100m dash.”
4. What do you feel was the biggest challenge you came across in since your arrival?
“Time management and breaking old habits have been the biggest adjustments. I love to eat a lot. I will just sit around and eat if I have nothing to do, which is bad because I will start to gain more weight than I need.”
5. What is the biggest difference between previous training and your training now at the University of Miami?
“The training I did back at home varied through the week, almost like here. I would do 10x200s at 26-27 seconds on the first week of practice or even 600s. With Coach Diego, the training is more thought out, he is taking me from Day 1 like I haven’t ran to correct the little things that later on make the biggest difference.”
6. What do you do to prepare right before a meet?
“I like to take an ice bath and I will always eat Olive Garden. The day of the meet, I will eat as a snack a honeybun and jellybeans. For lunch, I would eat Subway.”
7. What do you do away from practice and studying to relax?
“I really just like staying in my room and watching any sport that is in on TV, or just hanging with my teammates and just chilling with them.”
Fill in the Blank
Coral Gables is different from my hometown because: It rains for 30 minutes and then the sun comes out. Also, it is a very diverse city and it’s all new to me.
Favorite Movie: Undercover Brother
Favorite TV Show: Anything on ESPN
Favorite Music Artist: Chance the Rapper/21 Savage/ Lil Yachty/ Lil Uzi/ Drake
Favorite Meal: Olive Garden shrimp pasta
Interesting fact about me: I LOVE Honey buns and jelly beans