Get To Know U: Kyra Maryland
Get to Know U is a series that introduces the newest members of the Miami Hurricane Track & Field family.
After learning about freshman sprinters Caroyln Brown and Erin Ford, freshman thrower Zakiya Rashid and freshman hurdler Samantha Gonzalez, the latest edition of Get To Know U introduces @MiamiTrack freshman jumper Kyra Maryland.
Name: Kyra Maryland
Hometown: Southlake, TX
High School: Carroll Senior High School
Major: Communications
Five Questions
Q: What has your time at Miami been like so far?
A: Amazing! Everyone is so friendly and inviting. It didn’t take long to meet new people and find somewhere to fit in.
Q: What has been your favorite part of being a Hurricane?
A: I love the community and how everyone connects so easily even though we all come from such different places.
Q: Has anyone taken you under their wing, shown you around and helped with your transition to college? If so, who, and how have they helped you adjust?
A: Many of the older track members immediately accepted us and made me feel so welcome! They made sure to include us in everything.
Q: What has been the biggest adjustment for you since you arrived?
A: I think it’s been hard being on my own and not getting to see my family after a long day of school or workouts, but it’s good having teammates to help keep your mind off of it.
Q: What are you most excited for about being in college?
A: I can’t wait to meet new people and gain a little independence.
Fill in the Blank
I committed to Miami over other schools because: UM has always been my dream school and I’m glad I had the opportunity to join the Miami track and field team.
When I think of Miami track and field, I think of: Amazing talent and extremely dedicated and hard workers
My favorite part of being a Hurricane student-athlete is: How it eased me into life on campus and I instantly had a group of people who share similar values and interests when it comes to being part of a team.
If I had to describe the team in one word it would be: Dedicated
Coral Gables is different from my hometown because: the diversity is amazing! There are so many different personalities anywhere you go which made me realize how much more the world has to offer.
The biggest adjustment from high school to college has been: Realizing that the number one person keeping me in check is myself and being able to set my priorities straight!
When I committed to the University of Miami, I felt: lucky to have been given this opportunity and extremely blessed that I was given a chance to better myself as an athlete.
I love track and field because: the competition gives me so much adrenaline and a sense of achievement
My favorite moment in my track and field career was: seeing the improvements made from beginning to end and being able to think “wow, I am capable of so much more than I gave myself credit for.”
Quick Hits
Favorite Professional Sports Team: Dallas Cowboys, of course!
Favorite Meal: Jamaican food
Favorite Candy: Sour punch straws, Reese’s pieces
Favorite Movie: Remember the Titans
Favorite Music Artist: Beyoncé
My first pets were: Dogs
My favorite place on campus is: Lake Osceola
My favorite University of Miami alumni is: Russell Maryland
The farthest place from home I’ve been is: Jamaica
If I could be any celebrity, I would be: Beyoncé all the way
If I could take a vacation anywhere in the world, I would travel to: That’s hard because I want to travel everywhere!
In my spare time, I like to: Chill out, eat, read, write
My favorite sport to watch on TV is: basketball, track and field, football