Going the Distance: Alyssa McClure
CORAL GABLES, Fla. – The University of Miamitrack and field teams are hard at work preparing for their upcoming season.Each week, HurricaneSports.com will introduce you to members of thecross-country and track and field programs.
In addition, be sure to follow UM Track& Field/Cross Country on Twitter (@MiamiTrack) for the latest news onthe squad.
Continuing on the “Going theDistance” series, find out about junior sprinter Alyssa McClure…
Hometown: Baltimore, Md.
High School: Digital Harbor
Major: Sport Administration
Whydid you decide to attend the University of Miami?
This was my dream school. I love the campus, the weather is nice and Iwanted to accomplish big goals whilefurthering my track career. I felt coming to Miami would help me do that.
Whatwas the best aspect of being part of Miami’s track teams?
At practice when I’m tired or sore and feel like I can’t get back on theline to start again, my teammatesare always there to encourage and push me.
Youhave accomplished quite a bit while at Miami. What do you feel is yourbiggest accomplishment throughout your collegiate career?
So far I think it’s staying healthy through fall training. This is thefirst year I was able toget through a solid fall training.
Whohas had the biggest influence on your career?
There are so many people who support me, encourage me and keep me focused,but my high school coach has been thebiggest influence. Anytime I have a problem or feela certain way, I call him. No matter how negative the situation is, he alwayslets me know everything will beok. I just have to stay determined.
Whatare some of your goals for the season?
This season I would first like to stay healthy. I also want to reach bigPR’s, win ACC’s in the 60m, and make itto regionals and nationals.
Whatdo you feel was the biggest challenge you came across in since your arrival?
Learning to manage my time between track and school. I learned to takeadvantage of 20 minute power naps.
Whatis/are the biggest difference(s) between high school and competing at thecollegiate level?
Track at the collegiate level is more serious, more competitive, and justoverall more challenging.
Whatdid you do, both individually and as a team, to prepare right before a meet?
As a team we do pre-meet andmorning shake outs to get our body ready to compete. Individually I pray and listen to music.
Whatdo you do away from running and studying to relax?
I love to sleep and shop.
Threewords to describe you and why?
Sweet,Silly, and Independent. I chose these words because I’m very kind-hearted anddon’t mind helping others out. I’m a playful person; always smiling andlaughing. I don’t like relying on others. If something needs to be done, Iwould rather do it myself.