Going the Distance: Jamika Glades
CORAL GABLES, Fla. – The University of Miamitrack and field teams are hard at work preparing for their upcoming season.Each week, HurricaneSports.com will introduce you to members of thecross-country and track and field programs.
In addition, be sure to follow UM Track& Field/ Cross Country on Twitter (@MiamiTrack) for the latest news onthe squad.
Continuing on the “Going theDistance” series, let us find out about freshman hurdler Jamika Glades…
Hometown: Ft. Lauderdale,Fla.
High School: Dillard
Major: Accounting
Whydid you decide to attend the University of Miami?
Idecided to come to the University of Miami for several reasons. I wanted tostay close to home and away from cold weather. When I came on my visit, I lovedthe chemistry of the team and wanted to be apart of it. Another reason wasbecause I’ve heard a lot of great things about coach Amy Deem; she has a greatreputation with the hurdles and I wanted to better myself.
Whatwas the best aspect of being part of Miami’s Track & Field teams sofar?
Again,the chemistry of the team is wonderful; they are like a family
Youcome to the University of Miami having a great amount of success during yoursenior year, what do you contribute that to?
Icontribute my success to my high school coach, coach Davidson, my family,mainly my son Anthony.
Whatwas your biggest accomplishment during high school?
Mybiggest accomplishment was overcoming a huge obstacle, which is having a child,and not giving up on anything – neither athletics nor academics. I maintainedan A GPA and, at the same time, won many of my races and obtained a couple ofchampionships along the way.
Whatare some of your goals for the season?
Mymain goal for the season is to stay healthy, better myself, and perform to thebest of my ability. I also would like to be one of the top contenders in theACC.
Whatdo you feel was the biggest challenge you came across in since your arrival?
Thebiggest challenge so far is managing my time.
What is/are the biggest difference(s) between high schooltraining and it now on at the collegiate level?
Myhigh school training was much like that of training at the collegiate level,but in high school we didn’t focus much on strengthening the many differentmuscles.
Whatdo you do to prepare right before a meet?
Toprepare right before a meet, I make sure I get enough rest, eat a nutritiousmeal the night before, drink a lot of water, and run my race over in my head.
Whatdo you do away from practice and studying to relax?
Torelax, I sometimes listen to music, watch television, sleep, or hang out withfriends.
Threewords to describe you and why?
Goofy- I love to joke around at times and to just create a joyful atmosphere.
Determined- I always strive for the best and to be the best; never give up.
Honest- I am a person of much integrity and always tell the truth.