Going the Distance: Greg Kaczka
CORAL GABLES, Fla. – The University of Miami cross country team just completed their 2012season. They had a strong showing, breaking records and growing as a team. Eachweek, HurricaneSports.com will introduce you to members of the cross countryand track and field programs.
In addition, be sure to follow UM Track & Field/ Cross Country onTwitter (@MiamiTrack) for the latest news onthe squad.
Continuing on the “Going the Distance” series, find out aboutsenior runner Greg Kaczka…
Hometown: Glen Allen, Va.
High School: Deep Run HS
Major: Finance
Why did you decide toattend the University of Miami?
The U was one of the first schools to actively recruit meearly on. After visiting the campus my senior year in high school I knew therewas something special about this place that I just couldn’t skip out on.
What was the bestaspect of being part of Miami’s Track teams?
The best aspect of being part of Miami’s track team is thefamily atmosphere. Whether it’s in the locker room or on a bus to a meet, Ienjoy the bond I share with my teammates as we can share laughs and personalstories with each other. I feel that this bond is shared throughout all theathletes here at Miami.
You have accomplishedquite a bit while at Miami. What do you feel is your biggest accomplishmentthroughout your collegiate career?
I don’t know if there is one accomplishment that is mybiggest but I can point to a few accomplishments that I’m proud about. Thefirst one was being a captain of the cross country teams and leading the teamat the last two ACC XC Championships. Additionally, I was the first person inMiami history to compete in four conference championships in XC. I also havebroken three school records at Miami including the indoor mile during mysophomore year (current record held by Connor Adams) and the outdoor 1500 andDMR last year. All of this has been done while being a walk-on athlete for allfour years.
Who has had thebiggest influence on your career?
The two people that have had the biggest influence on mycareer have been my high school coach, Lake Stockdreher, and my dad. My dadencouraged me to start my running career and has always been my biggest fan,never missing one of my XC, indoor, or outdoor ACC Championship races. My coachin high school saw my true potential as a freshman in high school even when Iwas a rather mediocre runner. He taught me the essentials of what it takes tobe a champion runner and pushed me to reach limits that I could never havedreamt about.
What are some of yourgoals for the season?
My main goal for the track season is to make an ACCChampionship final and score points for our team. I don’t know the last time adistance runner has scored for Miami at a conference championship but I wouldlike to be the first to do it in quite some time. I also want to get a Regionaltime in outdoor track which would put me in the top 48 times for an event inthe East Region.
Have you ever playedany other sports?
Growing up I played just about every sport includingfootball, baseball, hockey, basketball, and golf. I enjoyed them all but didn’thave the same satisfaction in them as I have had in running.
What do you feel wasthe biggest challenge you came across in since your arrival?
The biggest challenge would be adjusting to a whole newprogram and coach. My coach in college is much different than my coach was inhigh school so I’ve had to adjust to the routines of practice and race days. Myprogram in high school was also distance oriented whereas Miami has a traditionof having excellent hurdlers and sprinters so I’ve also had to adjust to themindset of the team and overcome some of those challenges.
Whatis/are the biggest difference(s) between high school and competing at thecollegiate level?
The biggest difference is that almost everyone at thecollegiate level was a star for their team in high school. That means you haveto push yourself that much harder to be near the top of collegiate racesbecause many people in college were just as good as you in high school.
What did youdo, both individually and as a team, to prepare right before a meet?
As a team, many aspects are all about sticking to aroutine. We eat breakfasts, run warm-ups, and have meetings just about the sameway every meet. Individually I just try to stay relaxed before a race and thinkabout things that keep me motivated. I usually say a prayer before each racefor God to give strength to my teammates and me and then think about some ofthe people that watch me from above.
What is yourfavorite workout?
For cross country I like tempo runs and progressionruns as I usually get faster as the workout goes along which feels rewarding.For track there’s not a whole lot better than repeat 400s.
What do youdo away from running and studying to relax?
I’m a big sports fan so I enjoy watching football,baseball, or whatever sport is in season on TV, or in person if I get thechance. I also try to go fishing as much as possible.
Three wordsto describe you and why?
Dedicated – AnythingI do, I try to do it to the best of my abilities. That means working as hard asI can and leaving no excuses for failure.
Competitive – I’m one of those people who hates losing more than I like to win. I hatelosing.
Humbled – It’sbeen an honor to run at a Miami for my college career and to have all thesegreat experiences during my career. I would not be where I am today without myfamily, friends, and faith.