Going the Distance: Alexis Wright
CORAL GABLES, Fla. – The University of Miami track and field teams are hard at workpreparing for their upcoming season. Each week, HurricaneSports.com willintroduce you to members of the cross country and track and field programs.
In addition, be sure to follow UM Track & Field/ Cross Country onTwitter (@MiamiTrack) for the latest news onthe squad.
Continuing on the “Going the Distance” series, find out aboutfreshman jumper Alexis Wright…
Hometown: Tampa, Fla.
High School: Steinbrenner High School
Major: Microbiology
Why did you decide to attend the University of Miami?
I decided to attend the University of Miami, because it was my firstpreferred choice to attend college. In addition, it is close enough to homethat I can visit when necessary and far enough away that I have autonomy.Lastly, I decided to attend because I received the Ronald A. Hammondscholarship.
What was the best aspect of being part of Miami’s track and field teamsso far?
So far the best aspect of being a part of the track team is everything.I honestly cannot say I enjoy one thing over the other. My most important goalof having improvement is fulfilled. It starts in the weight room, to the track,and even in study hall. In addition, the team is very open and warming that thetransition wasn’t difficult from high school to college.
You come to the University of Miami having a great amount of successduring your senior year, what do you contribute that to?
I‘d say much of my success was a contributed to a great support group offamily, friends and coaches. Not only was I self-motivated, but also had othersto push me in anytime I questioned ability or myself.
What was your biggest accomplishment during high school?
Academically, graduating in the top 12 students of my class was huge.Athletically, my state showings and championship was also impactful. Moreover,the impact I left on students and staff was most acknowledgeable. I wasn’t justa track star or a nerd but a person who was relatable and influential forreasons other than popularity. I was a person who motivated students to pushand accomplish their goals.
What are some of your goals for the season?
For this season my main goal is to improve and become faster andstronger. Also to find what events I will be most prosperous in at the collegelevel. Once those are figured out I would like to compete in the ACCchampionships.
What do you feel was the biggest challenge you came across in since yourarrival?
My biggest challenge would be time management. It is truly difficult tofind a healthy balance of social time, academic time and rest, because eachweek some areas need more attention than others.
What is/are the biggest difference(s) between high schooltraining and it now on at the collegiate level?
From my personal experience, the weight room is a huge change. In highschool I spent minimal time in there with very little technique and very lightweight.
What do you do to prepare right before a meet?
Hydrate, rest, eat good carbs and protein, and pray.
What do you do away from practice and studying to relax?
I enjoy socializing. I have conversations with many people to gainknowledge of different perspectives and hope to leave an impact on others. Ilike watching movies, walking around, experiencing new things. Also I love mymuch needed girl time.
Three words to describe you and why?
Special. Goofy. Empathetic. I chose these words because I enjoyconnecting with other’s being there for them as an advisor or a listener. I amalso very silly and random at times. And it has been very seldom that someonehas acknowledged knowing someone like me.