Going the Distance: Amber Monroe
CORAL GABLES, Fla. – The University of Miami track and field teams arehard at work preparing for their upcoming season. Each week,HurricaneSports.com will introduce you to members of the cross country andtrack and field programs.
In addition, be sure tofollow UM track and field and cross-country on Twitter (@MiamiTrack) for the latest news on the squad.
Continuing on the”Going the Distance” series, let us find out more about sophomore AmberMonroe…
Hometown: Miami, Fla.
High School: Northwestern
Major: Sport Administration
Whydid you decide to attend the University of Miami?
I decided toattend University of Miami for a few reasons. First of which I didn’t want to be tofar from home, family is important to me. I also wanted to compete at a highlevel both in the classroom and on the track. With that said, I knew that Universityof Miami was the best school in Florida and would allow me to achieve my goals.Not to mention that I had much confident that thecoaches could help me reach my ultimate dream of competing inthe Olympics.
Whatwas the best aspect of being part of University of Miami’s track & fieldteam?
The bestaspect of being apart of the team is being apart of a team that is more than ateam, but more like a family. Being apart of that family provides support andhealthy competition. I don’t know what I would have done without my teammateslast year. They encouraged me, pushed me and never allowed me to settle foraverage.
Youhave accomplished quite a bit while at Miami. What do you feel is yourbiggest accomplishment throughout your collegiate career?
I feel likemy biggest accomplishment was throwing 51 meters in the discus, winning Pennrelays and qualifying for nationals as a freshman. I had a great first season,and I owe it all to my awesome coaches and my supporting teammates andfamily.
Whatare some of your goals for this upcoming season?
My goal forthe upcoming season is to break the school discus record and become an All American.I would also like to score as many points as I can at conference to help out myteam, and encourage my teammates to compete to the best of their ability.
Haveyou ever played any other sports?
Yes, I played volleyball in high school. I was a middle blocker.Volleyball is how I got interested in sports and I still enjoy playing ittoday.
Whatis/are the biggest difference between competing at high school and thecollegiate level?
The biggestdifference between competing at high school and the collegiate level is in collegeyou get to travel to different states and universities which is really fun, itsa higher level of competition and in college they have weight and hammer.
Originallybeing from Miami, was it difficult staying in South Florida for school?
Not at all, Ilike being close to home. It’s a great feeling knowing that if I need somethingmy family is only a short car ride away. And plus I’m a huge daddies girl, so Idon’t know what I would do if I was too far away from my daddy.
What did you do, both individually and as a team, to prepare rightbefore a meet?
Before a meetI talk to my coach, to make sure I know everything she wants me to focus on.Then I listen to music and make sure I’m focused and ready to compete.
Whohas had the biggest influence on your career?
Coach Carmen Jackson and my father had the biggestinfluence on my career. They’re constantly checking on me, making sure I’mdoing what I’m supposing to. In high school Coach Carmen taught me to work hardand always strive for greatness. This is something I will always do, no matterwhat it is. My father always made sure that I had the tool that I needed to begreat, and made sure I used them.
What do you do away from throwing and studying to relax?
When I’m not THROWING and studying, I enjoy watching TV, shopping,and sleeping.