Going the Distance: Lindsi Arrington

Going the Distance: Lindsi Arrington

CORAL GABLES, Fla. – The University of Miami cross country teams have concluded theirregular season and are currently preparing for the ACC Championship, which willbe held on Oct. 27 in Blacksburg, Va. Each week, HurricaneSports.com will introduceyou to members of the cross-country and track and field programs.

In addition, be sure to follow UM track and field and cross-country onTwitter (@MiamiTrack) for the latest news onthe squad.

Continuing on the “Going the Distance” series, let us find outmore about the leader of the women’s cross country team, junior LindsiArrington…

Hometown: Woodbridge, Va.

High School: Gar-Field HS

Major: Motion Pictures & English-Creative Writing, minoring inTheater


Why did you decide to attend the University of Miami? 

I had an amazing experience during mytriple-purposed visit to the University, which was for athletics, a scholarshipinterview, and the annual Harambee weekend. I felt immediately a part of thestudent body and am presently closer to those I met over those few days than mypresent class. Also, as an aspiring film student, the city of Miami seemedpromising of opportunities to network, meet and work with professionals in thefield.


What was the best aspect of being partof Miami’s Cross Country and Track teams? 

The best part of being a cross country and track athlete isthe challenge to live up to the prestige that comes with the title. Aspassersby see the U while I’m out running, or on my bag when I travel, I feelthere are immediate expectations that I feel obligated to not only meet, butalso exceed.


Being an excellent student as well, how hard has it been tojuggle your academics along with training and meets?

I have never truly known a life that does not consist ofjuggling academics with athletics and other extracurricular, so being astudent-athlete presently has not been much of an issue. As long as I manage mytime wisely and bring schoolwork along when we travel, it is not very difficultto maintain my GPA.


You have led the Hurricanes in the first three competitionsthis season, what do you contribute your strong start to? 

On the surface, I have been running more miles per week thanI ever have before (60); I have intentionally made an effort to eat a morebalanced diet (less pop-tarts, more fruit so to speak); and, as anupperclassman, I have taken on the responsibility to be more of a leader forthe team, forcing me to work-out just that much harder. The foundation of allthat, however, is a realization and recognition of the fact that I have beenblessed with a bit of talent. There is a greater purpose to this thing called cross-country;and I feel both obligated and honored to make the most of it.


What are some of your goals for the remainder of the season?

I do not often make specific time goals for cross country; I simply want to becompetitive in all the remaining races, ultimately setting substantial personalrecords after each one.


What do you feel was the biggest challenge you came acrossin since your arrival?

Being “in season” for three seasons ayear and sometimes into the summer can be tiring, especially with theThursday-Saturday traveling. My biggest challenge has been maintaining motivationto go on; by April, sometimes March, competing can become quite draining andunwelcome. 


Whatis/are the biggest difference(s) between high school cross country and runningat the collegiate level?

Outside of the increase in mileage perweek, there is not much difference between high school and collegiate crosscountry. Granted, being in Florida relative to Virginia, there have not been asman opportunities for adventure runs through random necks of the woods. That, Imiss. 


What did you do, both individually andas a team, to prepare right before a meet?

The moments before the start of a racecan be paralyzingly nerve-wracking, a team prayer and a couple of slow, deepbreaths at the line carry me through to the firing of the gun.


What is your favorite workout?

“Favorite workout” is somewhat of anoxymoron. I like to run long, slow runs before the sun rises or as its setting.That, however, is not the way to becoming a better runner, so, though I cannotgenuinely claim to have a favorite workout, I appreciate all of them. The endjustifies the means.


What do you do away from running andstudying to relax?

There is definitely a differencebetween what I like to do and what actually gets done, but I enjoy beingoutdoors during the early morning or evening, with close friends or alone, justto enjoy the atmosphere. Also, when inspired, I like to dabble in a bit oflyrical writing.


Three words to describe you and why?

Spiritual: some people cannot see thecorrelation between athletics or daily life in general and God; I, on the otherhand, cannot see the distinction

Whimsical: epitomizing every sense of the word, I like to be spontaneous,making every day a little different if at all possible, given to in the momentplans, and enjoying conversations dictated by stream of consciousness typeassociations

Humanitarian: I really do long for world peace, for all homelessness, hunger,violence and disease to cease.