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Off the Field with Anik Huffman and Lindsay Curtin

Nov. 9, 2004

Anik and the rest of the senior class play in their final game as Hurricanes.

Wednesday, October 27
This is our last regular season home game today!! We are going to FAU to play, it’s only about an hour away. It is so weird that this is our (the senior’s) last regular season game ever!!

We left earlier in the day for the game so we wouldn’t get caught in the afternoon traffic. After pre-game meal at Ruby Tuesday’s we went to FAU and relaxed a little in their gym and basketball locker room because we were early. At around 6:00, we had pregame and then headed outside to warm-up.

The game was very hard-fought and competitive, and at the end of the second half, it was still tied 0-0. We went into overtime which is two 10 minute periods of golden goal, so whoever scores a goal first wins. The first overtime came and went and although we had some chances, it was still 0-0. During the second overtime, they scored and consequently won the game. It was disappointing to lose our last regular season game for the seniors and for the rest of the team. It just feels like we can’t catch a break, but we have to stay positive and look at the next game which is Sunday.

We know we have the opportunity to build ourselves back up again with the ACC tournament that starts this weekend. We are traveling to Virginia Tech (same thing as last weekend!!) to play. If we win, then we will get a spot in the ACC tournament which has eight teams and is in Carey, North Carolina.

Sunday, October 31
Today is Halloween, and we are in Blacksburg, Virginia for our 1 p.m. game against VTech. We left yesterday and had to fly through Atlanta to Greensboro, N.C. and then drive a couple hours here to Virginia. It was a long trip, but we had the cool bus again!! Last week we got this bus with couches in it and mattresses underneath the couches, instead of having seats all the way back, and we got it again this week, so we were pretty happy. Ha-ha, it’s the little things sometimes, doesn’t take a lot to keep us happy!!

It is so pretty here, all the leaves are changing for the fall, lots of colors everywhere. We don’t quite get that in Florida, but then again I guess we are rewarded with our mild winters. We had to wait until Thursday night to know whether we would be traveling to VTech or Wake Forest. But we are all here and ready to go for our game today.

We were focused for the game and came out hard, the weather was nice, kind of cool but sunny. The first half was pretty back and forth, each team possessing the ball pretty equally. Halftime left the game tied at 0-0. I know you’re hoping for good news finally, as we were too, but VTech was able to score two goals in the second half. We never gave up, and continued to fight hard to the end of the game.

I glanced over at the clock with about five minutes left in the game and realized this could be it. I looked around and saw the urgency in everyone else, seeing that we had to make something happen quickly. I know without a doubt that everyone gave it their all and fought hard. I had a flashback of all my years here at Miami and even the road that has led me here, what they have meant, and how they took me all the way here to Blacksburg, Virginia today, my senior year in college. Although we ended up losing the game 2-0, I am proud to have played with this team and stand next to you guys today, and I know I speak on behalf of all the seniors.

As the game drew to a close, I looked around at the team and took in the feeling, hoping I could make it last forever. The bond of a team and people that I have spent the past four years with is something I will treasure for the rest of my life. I am proud to have played with this team and all the people that make it as great as it is. You guys have all meant so much to me, and I thank you for helping mold me into the person I have become today.

I want to personally thank my Dad and my family for all their support over the past 15 years I have played soccer. My Dad coached me when I was younger and was always my #1 fan following me with love and support to today, my last day of competitive soccer. Thanks so much Dad, I can’t even describe how much your dedication has meant to me.

Thanks to each and every person on the team, this team and the people that we have played with during our four year journey here. Each one of you has and has had such an important role on the team as a teammate, friend, and sister. Have fun and enjoy your remaining years and know that I, G.G., Andrea, and Brit will always be here for you. The bond we have been able to form will last our whole lives, and this is what I am most thankful for. There were tears today because it is always sad when a good thing comes to an end, as all good things do. But we will all start exciting new chapters in our lives now, with a watchful eye though on you guys, the team we love so much. Guys, I would have cried if we won the national championship. Know that you guys can accomplish anything you set your minds and hearts to, and I am glad that we could be here to help you build the foundation to what will one day be a great Miami soccer program. I love you guys so much, thank you all for being such a positive impact on my life and for the opportunity to play next to you and call myself your teammate and friend. I love you guys!!

– Anik

Lindsay looks back at her freshman season and sets her sights on the future of Miami soccer.

Monday, November 8
Wednesday afternoon, after my morning classes, the team drove up to Boca to face FAU in out last regular season game. After a tough physical battle we were tied at the end of regulation. The game went into double overtime, in which FAU scored with minutes left in the game. It was a heart wrenching loss and a long ride home. Although we were all very upset, Coach reminded us that we could be upset until midnight and then we must put the game behind us. And that is what we did. I was so upset, all I could then think of was playing better in our next game.

Our next game was going to be on Sunday, against either VTech or Wake Forest, for our first round of the ACC tournament. All we could do was practice hard the rest of the week, preparing for our do-or-die game. Thursday night, we found out that we were playing VTech, and we were psyched. We knew we could beat them, we had played them evenly the week before, despite missing a few key opportunities. We were ready. Saturday morning we left bright and early and flew all day before taking a two hour bus ride to Roanoke.

Sunday after our usual morning jog and stretch then breakfast, we were off to Tech to play our biggest game of the season. We were all ready, but we could not pull out with a win. We ended up with a 2-0 loss. There was nothing more to do. Our season was over. We were all devastated, especially the seniors, who had just played in their last collegiate game ever. We all wanted to win for each other, for our coaches, and for our seniors. But after the game, all we could do was support each other.

After our last game, we had a week off to unwind, hang out, and catch up on our school work before getting back to our strength training this week. It is so weird though, not having the seniors around. I am going to miss them so much. I wish them all luck in their futures, and know that they will always be missed on our team. Looking back now, we all know we will NEVER have another season like this. We now know what it feels like to lose and it is not a good feeling. No matter what, we will improve. We will work as hard as we possibly can in the off season and spring season so we will not feel the pain of a season like this ever again.

Despite all of our tough losses, I did enjoy my first season of college soccer. I loved meeting and hanging out with the girls. I enjoyed playing the sport I love, and I loved being a part of the team. I was also able to learn what college soccer is all about in our first season in the ACC. Although I feel awful for the seniors, I know the rest of us all have more seasons to prove how good the Miami Hurricanes Women’s Soccer team can be. We can and we will show the ACC what we are made of next year. Every player on this team has the skill and the heart to take our team to the next level and I hope next season we will.

So good bye to the seniors, you will be missed. I am so glad I had the chance to know and play with you and GOOD LUCK. To the rest of the team, let’s pull together and get ready to kick some butt next year. And for all the rest of you out there, thanks for supporting our team and reading our journal entries, hope you enjoyed them! 🙂

– Lindsay