Miami-Missouri Matchup

From the Associated Press

Miami Mizzou
Record 24-7 21-11
Avg. Pts. 74.7 79.5
Opp. Avg. Pts. 66.5 72.2
Margin 8.2 7.3
FG Pct. .433 .458
Opp. FG Pct. .399 .453
3-Pt. FG Pct. .348 .391
Opp. 3-Pt. FG Pct. .306 .378
3-Pt. FG-Game 7.4 9.2
Opp. 3-Pt. FG-Game 6.5 5.6
FT Pct. .770 .693
Rebound Margin -1.6 3.9
TO Diff. 3.0 0.7
Avg Steals 9.1 7.4
Avg Blocks 6.0 4.4