Davison Sets Meet Record in One-Meter Diving
Nov. 4, 2001
Dallas, Texas – The University of Miami women’s swimming and divingfinished seventh at the SMU Women’s Swimming & Diving Classic at Perkins Natatoriumin Dallas with 215 total points.
Senior Michelle Davison set a new meet record with 301.70 points in the one-meterdiving competition.
The SMU women’s swimming & diving team finished second, as the Ponies garnered323 points, just 23 off the leading clip that the Auburn Tigers set en route todefending its title at the Classic. Auburn won last year’s event with 313 points,and took home the 2001 crown after totaling 346 points.
The Miami swimming & diving team next travels to Pittsburgh, Pa. to competein the Pittsburgh Invitational from November 16-18th.