Positions And Their Roles
Oct. 2, 2001
Positions and their roles
One of the most important aspects of soccer is to understand your position fully, and to know what role your team expects of you. Practice the different aspects of your position on the field, and use your preperation to make you an effective player on the field.
The Goalkeeper
“The Interceptor” Organizes the defense with short, concise commands The last passing station for securing the ball in extreme pressure situations Handles back passes and initiates attack building
Right and Left Defenders
Stay on their own side to cover the opposition’s forwards Strong 1 v. 1 players Move with the ball when it’s played to the opposite side or into the opposition’s half Build a solid attack, even under pressure Switch to the attack for specific plays in specific situations
Center defensive midfielder
The most important player, tactically: the “switching station” between attack and defense Directs team movement Interplay of pressing and cover Directs the attack as it moves from defense to midfield to the front Looks for holes in the opposition’s defense and uses them
Central defender
Organizes the defense formation Strong 1 v. 1 player Builds the attack with safe passes Switches to the attack as necessary Interplay with the center defensive midfielder
Right and left midfielders
Travel with the ball as required Stay in their half and skillfully cover opponents Bring in the forward and outside forwards Cover either side during attack building and/or push forward, depending on the situation
Center attacking midfielder
Directs the attack as it relates to the defense Moves with the ball Looks for holes in own defense and closes them Passing station in the front Brings the forwards into position with passes or dribbling Moves into holes as they open and tries to finish
Right outside forward
Early interference with the opposition’s attack building Travels with the ball Holds outside positions but moves in on the goal when possible Strong 1 v. 1 player and crosser
Center forward
Early interference with the opposition’s attack building Travels with the ball Moves into spaces as they open up Initiates 1 v. 1 action and tries to finish Drops the ball to teammates as they move forward
Left outside forward
Early interference with the opposition’s attack building Moves with the ball Holds outside positions but moves in on the goal when possible Strong 1 v. 1 player and crosser