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Perry Clark Chat Wrap

Nov. 30, 2000

Perry Clark at 9:59am ET
I’m here and ready to take your questions!

Cane Fan from at 9:59am ET
What are the goals for the basketball team this season?Perry Clark at 10:00am ET
Basically, we like to get to get into the postseason. That is the goal every season. We set more monthly goals because the season is in phases and we like to get better as the season goes on. We set things we want to do by the end of November, December, etc.John from at 10:01am ET
Coach, what’s the biggest challenge in building a nationally prominent basketball team at Miami?Perry Clark at 10:01am ET
Number one I think is recruiting and recruiting not just good players but good people. I think that is the biggest challenge that you have as a coach.Broward Sheriff from at 10:01am ET
What is the status of the on-campus arena?Perry Clark at 10:02am ET
My understanding is things are moving along at a nice pace. I was at a meeting yesterday where they are hoping that the final approval can be done within the next month.HoopsNut from at 10:02am ET
Coach Clark, do you feel basketball is overshadowed by football at Miami?Perry Clark at 10:03am ET
No. Certainly the football team has done a great job and their national presence has served to get all Canes fans excited about athletics. It has helped us with a national presence which allows us TV exposure. At the end of the day each sport has to carry its own weight. It we play as well as we can, we will get the full recognition we deserve.TulaneGrad96 from at 10:03am ET
Coach Clark,
What made Conference USA an exciting league for basketball and explain a little about what you will bring from your style at Tulane to the Hurricanes and the Big East?Perry Clark at 10:04am ET
I think Conference USA had a lot of teams where basketball was the schools number one priority. Those teams played at a very very high level. Style of play, we like to press and run and it’s a style change we will have to go through here because they were not used to doing those things.Ron Goodwyn from at 10:05am ET
Coach Clark. What’s the Best team you ever coach. Including the GA Tech Squad?
Perry Clark at 10:06am ET
It had to be the Ga. Tech team. A lot of times the best team coached wasn’t necessarily the one with the best record. The team with Mark Price and John Salley we got beat in the Sweet 16. The team that went the furthest and played the best when to the champ. game of the East Regional. The most talented team was the team that got beat in the Sweet 16.spencer from [] at 10:06am ET
who do you think are the elite teams in the big eastPerry Clark at 10:07am ET
I think certainly UConn, Seton Hall, Notre Dame, and Syracuse right off the top. And St. John’s is playing pretty well too!CanesFan from [] at 10:07am ET
What kind of potential do you see in Darius Rice?Perry Clark at 10:08am ET
I think he will be an outstanding basketball player. He is learning a tough position under fire against some very good players. He’s doing a good job but there is certainly a learning curve there. He has to defend some of the best one-on-one players in the country. He’s going to be a tremendous player.Cane Fan from at 10:08am ET
If you could coach a game against any coach, past or present, who would it be?Perry Clark at 10:09am ET
It depends on how good we were! I always enjoyed when we played Duke when I was at Ga. Tech. I liked playing Louisville when I was at Tulane.JIM SLOVAK from [], at 10:09am ET
I’m a fan of the Hurricanes. You have a chance to turns things around there in Miami. Is it getting any easier to recruit now at Miami? It is such a beautiful place with a lot of potential. Do you think you can make a run at the final 4 during your tenure. thanks JimPerry Clark at 10:10am ET
I don’t know if it’s easier because I don’t have anything to compare it to. Going after the top players is difficult because they wait to see what happens with the NBA. That throws a dynamic in that you just have to deal with. But certainly it does give you some advantages being in Miami.Maurice from [], at 10:10am ET
Coach, I had a chance to watch John Salmons play when he was in High School here in the Philadelphia area. What type of impact do you see him having on the team this year? What about Darius Rice, is he playing?Perry Clark at 10:11am ET
We need John very badly. He is a terrific player and a better person. He has been one of the people who has been most impacted by losing the three seniors. He has really had to step up. We are asking him to step up and try to dominate at times. HE is trying very hard to become a better leader and I think he is very capable of doing that.A. Gail from at 10:11am ET
The Canes built up the program on defense first and then offense. This years version seems to be more up tempo. Is that your style or the style that best suits this years team?Perry Clark at 10:13am ET
I think both. I think that is part of the transition this team is going through. The last two years teams have been very veteran with guys who are more mature. At times we are on the floor with 3-4 freshman so we aren’t quite as physical as last year. In order for us to be able to score we have to get out and run and get some easier baskets. Defensively, we are having a tough time right now handling post players because we aren’t as strong.BEE from [], at 10:13am ET
Do you think Dwayne Wimbley will step up as a senior in the 4 or 5 position, or are you looking to the younger players to take over his spot?Perry Clark at 10:13am ET
We need him to step up. He has worked extremely hard to try and do that.brandon from [] at 10:13am ET
How do you feel about the BCS rankings and also about a playoff?Perry Clark at 10:14am ET
I certainly feel they should be able to play for the National Championship!Tim from at 10:14am ET
Coach, do you think having an on-campus arena will increase the student’s interest in the team, as well as attendance?Perry Clark at 10:15am ET
Without question. It will bring a tremendous impact. You can see that at the University of Charlotte. They used to play the same place as the Hornets and now they play on campus. It has helped them tremendously.Maurice from at 10:15am ET
Coach, has the City of Miami embraced you? I have always believed that the environment has a lot to do with the performance of a player or a coach.Perry Clark at 10:15am ET
Everybody has been very nice and courteous, like most places in the South!A. Gail from at 10:15am ET
Will you use Elton Tyler this year or redshirt him for next year?Perry Clark at 10:18am ET
I’m not sure. I will make that decision in about two weeks.

We are a very young team, we are playing without four starters, we have some growing to do and we are working extremely hard to get to where we want to be. Our guys are stepping up and showing leadership and that is exactly what we need.

Thanks for all the questions but I have to run. Thanks everybody!