Visit Information
Unofficial Visits
Prospective student-athletes (recruits) can make unofficial visits at any time during their junior and senior years of high school.* An unofficial visit can be a great way to get a sense of the atmosphere of the campus, meet the coaches, take a look at some academic offerings and meet the team. At Miami Rowing, we encourage students to make unofficial visits during the fall and winter of their sophomore and junior years, but we will always work with you to schedule visits. Unofficial visits are also great ways for family members to take part in the visit.
To get started:
1) Please visit the NCAA website for college-bound student-athletes.
2) Please visit the University of Miami Compliance website for Prospective Student Athletes.
3) Please fill out our recruiting questionnaire.
4) Register with the NCAA eligibility center.
5) Contact Recruiting Coordinator Melinda Neale.
The most important part about unofficial visits is that prospective student-athletes and their families come prepared to ask questions and read to learn all about The U!
*Per NCAA rule 13.7.1 a prospective student-athlete may make an unofficial visit at any time (except dead periods).
**Per NCAA rule a coach cannot call a prospective athlete until June 15 following the athlete’s sophomore year of high school. Per NCAA rule 13.4.1, coaches can only send emails to prospective student-athletes beginning June 15 following the athlete’s sophomore year of high school.
Very Important Information for Visit Day:
University of Miami Campus Visit Guide: This guide includes great information for parking on campus, how to get to the main Admissions Office/Administration building–The Ashe Building–and general information and directions for getting to the University of Miami and for getting around Coral Gables.
The Coral Gables undergraduate campus is lush and beautiful. Centered on Lake Osceola, the campus feels like a retreat from the hustle and bustle of Miami. Please familiarize yourself with the campus map, as you will have some time on your own to explore campus during your unofficial visit.
Hecht Athletic Center- The Rowing Offices
Located on the Southwestern side of campus, the Isadore Hecht Athletic Center is the main hub for on-campus athletic activity.
5821 San Amaro Drive, Miami, FL 33146
To find the Rowing Coaching Offices:
Enter Hecht Athletic Center through main entrance (glass doors on the western side facing San Amaro). Check in with the front desk; ask them to reach out to a rowing staff member.
Ronald W. Shane Watersports Center
Depending on when you visit Miami Rowing, we may or may not be practicing on the water. Communicating early with Coach Neale will guarantee you the best possible dates for your visit. Miami Rowing is based at the Shane Watersports Center on the beautiful Indian Creek River in North Beach. Here is more information on the Shane facility and directions.
Official Visits
Prospective student-athletes (recruits) can begin to take official visits on August 1 before their junior year of high school. An official visit is one in which any part, or all of the visit (food, entertainment, travel) is paid for by the institution.
At Miami Rowing, official visits are two nights of non-stop awesome. You become a real part of The U family. From watching practice from the Coach’s launch and attending class, to staying overnight in a dorm and eating on campus, this is an athlete-focused time to decide if you are ready to represent The U.
Official visits are invitation only. Those invitations are based on several factors. The main factor (but not the only factor!) is the caliber of your junior-level athletic experience. That athletic experience may have been four years rowing in international competition or three years on a state championship basketball or water-polo team, or maybe you only learned to row the summer prior to your senior year. We are always looking for women who are athletes–women who want to push their bodies and win races, all while studying at one of the nation’s best schools in one of the most beautiful settings. Are U Ready?
Which Visit is Right for You?
ALL athletes should try to make an unofficial visit to Miami as soon as they decide that they want to row Division I in college. Unofficial visits are characterized by two things:
– First, you can make an unofficial visit at any time after August 1 before your junior year of high school and you can then make as many as you want for the rest of your high school career.
– Secondly, an unofficial visit must be entirely financed by you (the prospective student-athlete) and your family.
You may make both an official and an unofficial visit during your high school career.
Official visits are regulated much more strongly by the NCAA. An official visit is one in which the Miami Rowing Team pays for anything on the visit. Whether it’s a cup of coffee, or a flight from your home to Miami; if we finance it, it’s an official visit. The Miami Rowing team typically only does a few official visits a year and we typically schedule those with athletes who fit one or both of these criteria:
– The athlete is an elite-level competitor. Examples are junior national or development team experience, scholastic nationals racing and medals or novice rowers with exceptional times and positive race experience. The elite competitor is very focused on making The U faster than it has ever been.
– The athlete has done her research and recognizes Miami as one of her top-choice rowing programs and schools. This also includes women who may not have had the most competitive junior experience, but recognize, are inspired by and are ready to step up to rowing for the University of Miami
Invitations for official visits are issued by the coaching staff as we get to know you. There are some important things that must happen for an official visit invitation to be issued:
– First, an official visit can only be scheduled after August 1 before the start of your junior year.
– Secondly, you must be registered with the NCAA Eligibility Center.
– Third, you must have presented unofficial high school transcript(s) and your senior year course selections to head coach James Mulcahy.