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Deem to lead Team USA at World Championships

Deem to lead Team USA at World Championships

CORAL GABLES, Fla. -Miami track will have representation on the international level this summer.

Amy Deem, Miami’s Director of Track and Field and CrossCountry, was named a Team USA relay coach for the 14th IAAF World OutdoorChampionships this summer in Moscow, USA Track & Field announced Monday. The2013 World Championships will be held August 10-18 in Moscow, Russia.

Deem will be joined by Andrew Valmon at the World OutdoorChampionships. The two reunite to lead the Americans after guiding them at the2012 London Olympics.

Deem and Valmon led Team USA to the most successful U.S. Olympic track &field showing since 1992 with 29 medals (nine gold, 13 silver, sevenbronze).  Deem and Valmon worked alongside Olympic relay coach JonDrummond on all four relays, with spectacular results. The women’s relays wonboth gold medals, including the world record-setting 4x100m effort of TiannaMadison, Allyson Felix, Bianca Knight and Carmelita Jeter in 40.82 seconds. Themen’s relays both won silver, with the men’s 4x100m twice setting the Americanrecord.

“Coach Deem and Coach Valmon showed great leadership in London, and our resultsat the Games reflected that,” said USATF Chief of Sport Performance BenitaFitzgerald Mosley. “Jon Drummond did a tremendous job in the two-year lead-upto London, and we collectively worked to set standards for fosteringexcellence, transparency and creating a successful environment for our relays.We are confident that Amy and Andrew will continue and grow the success of theU.S. relay teams.”

Deem has a long history with Team USA, including serving aswomen’s head coach at the 2007 IAAF World Outdoor Championships, when the U.S.swept to victory in all four relays. She served three seasons (1998-2000) asthe event coordinator for sprints and hurdles for the USA Track and FieldCoaches Education Program, and in 2001 served as head coach of the USA Juniornational team that competed in England and Scotland. In the summer of 2003,Deem was the explosive events coach (sprints and hurdles) for the United Statesat the Pan American Games in Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic, guiding LaurynWilliams to the gold medal in the 100m. In addition, the United States sweptthe gold medals in the 4x100m relay and 4x400m relay for the first time since1987.

On the collegiate level, before her arrival in Miami 22 years ago, theHurricanes had never had an athlete record an NCAA qualifying mark. Deem hasguided 43 student-athletes to a combined 149 All-America honors and 12individual national championships.