Stride for Stride: On the Runway with Samantha Williams
April 18, 2012
Hurricanesports.com sat down with Junior-transfer Samantha Williams to talk about her first season at the U, the transition from Jamaica to North Dakota to Miami, and her feelings on both of the horizontal jumps. How has the change in scenery from North Dakota to Miami been for you?It is obviously different, but I can definitely more relate to being here than in North Dakota because the weather and environment are more like home (Jamaica). It’s a lot easier to deal with the climate here than having to focus on making it through the cold back at my old school. I went there because it was my biggest offer coming out of high school and because I knew people already there, so they were able to help me get through it. You’ve achieved success so far in both the long and triple jumps this year, which one is your favorite and why?The triple. It’s funny because I had been long jumping since high school, but I didn’t start triple jumping until I got to the University of Mary (N.D.). Since I started triple jumping, that’s where most of my success came from. I made it to Division II Nationals triple jumping. Ever since I’ve been here though, I’ve been able to find the balance between the two, and I’ve been able to achieve personal bests in the long jump indoor and both the long and triple jumps outdoor. After competing in your first ACC championships in Boston earlier this year, do you feel better prepared for this week’s Outdoor Championships in Charlottesville?For me, it’s not much of a difference between previous conferences I’ve competed in versus the ACC, it’s more of putting myself in the frame of mind that it’s just another track meet and I’m out here to do my best. Of course the ACC is a very competitive conference, but overall for me it’s just the same. What is the best thing about being a Hurricane?Being affiliated with the school has definitely been a plus. I didn’t realize how big of a deal going to this school was until I went to the flea market one weekend and everyone would come up to me and ask “You go to the U?!” I was never really big on fame but it is still pretty cool. I like the family environment here. Coach Robinson has really taken me under his wing and helped me ease into the new environment along with my roommates. He has really showed me the difference between competing at a Division I level versus a Division II level, and he is really helping me become the great athlete I know I can be. If you could visit one place in the world where would it be?Another Caribbean island. It’s funny being from Jamaica, but I’ve been to the U.S., Canada and Europe, but not to any other Caribbean island. What’s one superpower you would like to have?Considering my event, I would like to know how to fly. What is your favorite Coach Robinson saying?He has so many, but one that comes to mind is “Get on the board.” He says that so often and to all of us. What is one thing on your bucket list?I’m not really one for extreme things, but I definitely want to travel more and go to more countries. If you could invite three people to dinner who would they be?I’m not really big on celebrities so I would just want my mother, one of my best friends and my sister. What’s one TV show you have to watch every week?Basketball Wives. Once it’s in season, I try to keep up with that. Who was your favorite team growing up?Track was always my favorite sport; I also liked to watch swimming, diving and soccer, along with this sport only girls play in Jamaica called Netball. If I had to pick a team though it would be Chelsea, the English football team. What is your favorite Christmas present ever?My first laptop. I got it in 2006, and it was a big deal for me. What is one song you have on your ipod that no one would believe?For the people that don’t really know me, it would be a surprise that I have a lot of gospel music on my iPod. I was raised in a Christian household so I’ve always liked to listen to it.