Here are your thoughts on the Convocation Center

Jan. 15, 2003

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– Rick Phillips: Highland Beach, FL: Hallelujah! The arena, at last, is here. Now, UM officials need to implement a strong public relations campaign targeting students all over campus. UM needs to create student booster clubs and organizations to install a basketball fervor. E.G., Promotions in the arena; foul-shooting contests; campus-wide H.O.R.S.E. competition, etc. Make players accessible and recognizable to student body. Perry Clarke needs to be ubiquitous. Fraternities and sororities need to be courted. Due focus groups: find out what (little) students know about UM basketball, then educate them.Ditto for alumni. Getting alumni on campus is the best thing that can happen to the UM. The Convocation Center is the new linchpin to Alumni Relations.- Rick Phillips, BA ’78

Jake Taylor : West Palm Beach, Florida: I was more than impressed with the Convocation Center. An on-campus facility has long been long overdue at UM. The only thing that concerns me are those empty concrete slabs. Let’s hope that some chairs can be added there soon.

Anthony A. Proffitt: Miami Florida: I attended the first game in your new facility. I am an avid college basketball fan and have attended many games in several facilities. The new convocation center is a first class facility. The atmoshpere was eletric and it was great to be a part of UM history. Congrats.

dana blake: gloucester ma: At last, At last, At Last, Finally we have a field house!!! It may house other events but now when someone comes to MIAMI to play ball they will be in our HOUSE !!! It took a along time, I watched Rick play a few years ago and I hope we can encourage a few more good and able kids to make MIAMI a front page item again !!! D Blake BBA ’67 The AD is doing a great job.!!!