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University of Miami Athletics

Jesse Marks


Senior Associate AD / Development



Jesse Marks -  - University of Miami Athletics

Jesse Marks was promoted to Senior Associate Athletic Director for Development in August 2016. He was previously promoted to associate AD for development in November 2012 following two years as assistant athletics director for major gifts.
Under the guidance of Director of Athletics Blake James, Marks is responsible for all development operations for the department of athletics, including campaign oversight, major giving, annual fund, donor stewardship, event hospitality and coordination with central advancement efforts. Marks is also the sport administrator for Miami’s men’s tennis program.
Since Marks’ arrival in 2010, the Hurricane Club has seen significant  growth in major giving and annual giving participation. Following the department’s restructure in 2010, the Hurricane Club’s development  results have increased significantly across the board. Major Giving is up more than 70 percent since 2010, increasing from $14 million in 2010 to $26.6 million in 2011 and to an all-time high of $49 million in 2016-17.
Annual giving has also seen unprecedented growth through extensive marketing, philanthropic re-branding and digital strategy. Since 2010, annual Hurricane Club Membership has increased by more than 100 percent to an all-time record of 11,500 active members and over $14 million raised for student-athlete excellence. The Hurricane Club is consistently recognized nationwide for their use of cutting edge technology and unique campaigns to drive annual support.
Marks has been a part of two major capital campaigns at the University of Miami: The Momentum Campaign, (2000-2008) which raised over $1 billion for the University, and Momentum2. Under Marks’ leadership, athletics exceeded its goal of $68 million and raised more than $85 million dollars towards the Momentum campaign and raised over $118 million towards the university wide $1.6 billion Momemtum2 Campaign.
Prior to his return to UM Athletics, Marks served as assistant director of development at Wake Forest University, where he managed relationships for over 150 athletic donors in the southeast, including South Carolina, Georgia, North Carolina and Florida. Prior to Wake Forest, Marks was as assistant athletics director for development at Florida International University, where he managed all fundraising operations related to the opening of their new football stadium in 2008.
Marks is an active member of the National Association of Athletic Development Directors (NAADD) and is an adjunct professor in the School of Education Sports Administration Program teaching Sport Promotions and Sales.
A two-time Miami graduate, Marks earned his bachelor’s degree in 2005 and his master’s degree in 2008.