04/06/2010 Paul DiMare Champions Plaza (11 photos) |

 10/19/2009 Golden Cane Getaway at Jimmy Johnson’s Big Chill Restaurant (14 photos) |

 05/22/2009 2009 Celebrity Waiter (29 photos) |

 02/17/2009 2009 University of Miami Hurricane Club Golf Tournament (41 photos) |

 12/23/2008 2008 Football Awards Ceremony (44 photos) |

 12/10/2008 2008 Ring of Honor Induction Ceremony (25 photos) |

 11/05/2008 1983 National Championship Football Team Reunion (18 photos) |

 09/16/2008 UM vs. Charleston Southern Tailgate Party (10 photos) |
08/21/2008 Membership Society Donor Breakfast, August 2, 2008 (1 photos) |
08/15/2008 Membership Society Donor Breakfast, August 2, 2008 (1 photos) |
08/15/2008 Membership Society Donor Breakfast, August 2, 2008 (1 photos) |

 05/22/2008 2008 Men’s Basketball Banquet, April 15, 2008 (22 photos) |