Hurricane Women In Sports Day

Hurricane Women In Sports Day

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On Friday, February 8, 2003, the University of Miami Athletic Departmenthosted a women’s sports clinic for 300 middle school girls at the KnightSports Complex and Cobb Stadium on the UM campus.

The event started with opening ceremonies featuring the President of theUniversity of Miami, Donna E. Shalala, the University of Miami Head Women’sBasketball coach, Ferne Labati, and President of the Sports Society, MargeWessel. Each of them addressed the participants on the benefit of beinginvolved in athletics. The children were then separated in to groups andhad a chance to rotate to each different station. The stations included:basketball, volleyball, rowing, track, and cheerleading.

The event concluded with lunch provided by the Big Cheese and Gatorade.Each child received a gift bag that included a t-shirt commemorating theevent, courtesy of the Sports Society of Miami.