Q&A With Hurricane Setter Lynsey Irwin
Sept. 14, 2001
Q: Who do you model your game after?“The girl who was our MVP when I was a freshman in high school on our varsity team.”
Q: If you could play another sport at Miami, what would it be?“Soccer.”
Q: What is your greatest athletic moment?“When we were playing our rivals in soccer and we were losing with a few minutes left. I took the ball from our defense up through their whole team and their defense.”
Q: What is the biggest thrill in your life to date?“Going to my first rave.”
Q: If you could play in any arena in the world, what would it be?“Honestly, I don’t care, as long as it doesn’t have the lights where you lose the ball when you look up.”
Q: Who is the toughest player (college) you have faced?“In club, I had to play against John Dunning’s daughter who I’ve played with a few times, and she is a pretty good player.”
Q: When you played volleyball as a kid, who did you pretend to be?“I pretended to be the girls on the varsity team at my school.”
Q: What is the best thing about the University of Miami?“The best thing about Miami is the weather.”
If you could be a superhero, you would be?“Definitely one of the X-men…probably Storm.”
Q: What is the best advice you have ever received?“Live the moment and do what makes you happy.”
Q: If you could invite three people to dinner in history, who would they be?
1. Cleopatra
2. Oliver Cromwell
3. Jim Morrison
Q: What is the one moment in history that you would like to have seen?“Woodstock.”
Q:What is something that people do not know about you?“I dance in my room for at least an hour a day by myself to house music.”
Q:If you could switch places with someone for one day, who would it be?“Angelina Jolie or the President of the United States of America.”
Q:Where do you see yourself ten years from now?”“Overseas somewhere working for the CIA.”
Q:If you could bring anything from your hometown to UM, what would it be?“The Rodeo.”
Q:What is one thing you would change about college volleyball?“The fact that you can hit the net on a serve.”
Q:What is your favorite website?www.Ravelinks.com
Q:What type of volleyball shoes do you prefer to play in?“Lately, I have been playing with New Balance shoes and I like them a lot.”