University Of Miami

University Of Miami
Academic Services

Academic All-Stars2002 Freshmen Football Orientation Photos

s-Jimenez-Tomas-150.jpgTomas Jimenez
Asst. A.D. for Academic Services

The University of Miami, one of the nation’s finest institutions of highereducation, shows an unparalleled dedication to academics. While Miami’sathletic successes are well documented, the University’s commitment toacademics is second to none. Hurricane athletes have a wealth of resourcesand programs available to them as they work towards earning their degrees.In striving to meet the challenges facing the student-athlete in today’scomplex society, the University of Miami Athletic Department along with UM’sDevelopment Academic Center and a wide-range of campus resources hasestablished a unique academic support program that serves to enhance thelife of the student-athlete.

s-wyman-dave.jpgDavid Wyman
Associate Director of Academic Services

Consistent with this commitment, the athletic Department has established theCenter For Academic Needs and Educational Support (CANES). This office’sgoal is to provide the support services necessary to facilitate thegraduation of student-athletes.

An important objective of the program is to integrate the student-athleteinto the campus community and become an integral part of the educationprocess.

To achieve this goal CANES strives to: graduate all student-athletes by theend of their eligibility, protect and promote the integrity of theUniversity, comply with all rules and regulations of the University and theNCAA, and maintain the athletic eligibility of every student-athlete.Academic Programs:

s-husband-leigh.jpgLeigh Husband
Academic Advisor

Pro-Active Mentorship Program

This program is designed to assiststudent-athletes with the transition skillsnecessary to be successfulcollege students. All freshmen are required to participate and meet once aweek with a mentor covering issues such as time management, goal-setting, classpreparation, test preparation, etc.

Collins-Carla-150.jpgCarla Collins
Life Skills Program

Study Table Program

The Study Table Program is designed to providevaluable locations and time to accomplish academic goals. Tutors, computer labs, andquiet areas are designated for this program.

Tutor Program

Level 1 certified tutors by the College Reading and LearningAssociation provide individual and group assistance upon request. The tutorprogram at the University of Miami is one on a small number of athleticprograms in the country to be awarded CRLA certification.

Monitoring Program

Progress reports are received from professors threetimes a semester regarding the academic performance of student-athletesenabling potential problem areas to be addressed and corrected.

s-walker-carole.jpgCarole Walker
Academic Advisor

Academic Captains

Academic College Representatives, Athletic AcademicsServices personnel and a representative from each team meet once a month todiscuss important academic and university issues.

Academic Coach Program

Professors get a chance to become a student-athleteby getting an opportunity to be involved in practice, game-week and game-dayactivities and experience first-hand the demands placed on student-athletes.

s-neely-damond-150.jpgDamond Neely
Graduate Assistant

Degree Completion Program

Designed to assist students complete degreerequirements once they have exhausted their eligibility.

Computer Lab

Located within the Hecht Athletic Center, student-athleteshave access to personal computers on which to complete class assignments,access the Internet and conduct research. The lab also has lab top computersthat student-athletes can check out and take with them on team trips, orwhen they want to work on their own.

s-johnson-dwayne.jpgDwayne Johnson

2000 Canes Lecture Series

Program designed to assist freshmen student-athlete with the transitional skills to make the jump from high school to the university setting. Freshmen are required to attending weekly lectures from campus resources throughout the first semester of their college career. Topics include: time management, study skills, test preparation, media relations, dinner etiquette, professor/student relationships, Life Skills, etc. Begins Fall 2000!

Not Pictured:
Dr. Jennifer King – Learning Specialist
Gretchen Doninger – Graduate Assistant
Sophia Sakellariou – Graduate Assistant

Any questions contact Tomas Jimenez
305 284-3243