Hurricane Women's Golf Finishes 10th At Auburn Invitational
Sept. 21, 1999
CORAL GABLES, Fla. — The University of Miami Women’s Golf team openedits 1999-2000 season with a 10th place finish at the Auburn TigerInvitational at the Saugahatchee Country Club in Opelika, Alabama. Miamishot a team score of 939 over the tournament’s three rounds which concludedTuesday.
Freshman Dominique Gagnon led Miami with a three-round score of 230(78-75-77) to finish in a six-way tie for 19th place in the individualstandings. Sophomore Lavana Davis (74-81-76-231) finished tied for 25thplace, while junior Ashleigh Barrett Hamilton (80-74-79-233) finished tiedfor 29th.
Third ranked Georgia won the event with a 22-under-par, 886 teamscore. Auburn’s Kami Smith (74-68-74-216) captured the individualcompetition.
The Hurricanes return to action October 15-17 at the Beacon WoodsInvitational in Bayonet Point, FL.