NCAA.COM Profiles Miami Volleyball Player Loessberg

NCAA.COM Profiles Miami Volleyball Player Loessberg

Oct. 8, 2009

By Jennifer Gunnels
Special to

University of Miami (Florida) senior Cassie Loessberg may be restricted to the back row as the libero on the volleyball team, but she isn’t afraid of the front lines.

The school record-holder for career digs is also a reservist in the United States Marine Corps. Inspired by an extensive family history of military service, Loessberg completed boot camp in the summer of 2008 and signed her reserve contract with the Marine Corps on May 24.

“The military has always been a big part of me and my family; it’s something I’ve always wanted to do,” Loessberg said. “For as long as I can remember, I’ve always wanted to be a Marine.”…

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