Complimentary Ticket Regulations and Procedures
Feb. 22, 2011
A student-athlete may receive a maximum of four complimentary admissions for each regular season contest. All admissions are by a pass list and each guest must provide proper identification and a signature to be admitted. Failure to provide proper identification will result in denial of tickets. There are no exceptions. Bylaw
The sale or exchange of a student-athlete’s complimentary admissions for any item of value is a violation of NCAA regulations and places the student-athlete’s eligibility for intercollegiate athletics in jeopardy. Bylaw
During an official or unofficial visit, a maximum of three complimentary admissions to a home athletics event at any facility within a 30-mile radius of the institution’s main campus in which the institution’s intercollegiate team practices or competes may be provided to a prospective student-athlete. Such complimentary admissions are for the exclusive use of the prospective student–athlete and those persons accompanying the prospective student-athlete on the visit must and must be issued only through a pass list on an individual-game basis. Such admissions may provide seating only in the general seating area of the facility used for conducting the event. Seating in the facility’s press box, special seating boxes or bench area is prohibited. Bylaw