The Join-a-Team, Not-a-Gang Program Enters a New Year
The Join-a-Team, Not-a-Gang Program Enters a New Year
Five students from Mays and Carol City tour athletic facilities.
Sept. 24, 2002
On Tuesday, September 17th, the Miami Dade Police Department’s Join-a-Team,Not-a-Gang Program started again. Five students from Mays and Carol Citymiddle schools were on the first visit. They toured the athleticfacilities, watched football practice, and talked with the players andcoaches after practice. The visits take place once a week and continuethrough football season. This program is a cooperative effort, whichincludes Miami Dade County Public Schools, the University of Miami AthleticDepartment, and Florida Power & Light Company. As part of the program a”Most Improved Student Award” is given out. This award consists of a visitto a University of Miami football practice, a tour of athletic facilities,and a chance to meet the University of Miami football coaches andstudent-athletes. Students are selected by their school and selection isbased on improvement in academics, behavior, and attendance. Two studentsare selected per school. The students are accompanied to the university bytheir DARE officer.