First Pitch Guests
Coach Jim Morris (right) and South MiamiMayor Julio Robaina (left) before the Saturday Night University of Miami vs.Northeastern game on March 24th. Mayor Robaina was invited to throw out theceremonial first pitch of the game. |
Coach Jim Morris (left) takes a moment for apicture with season ticket holder Jeff Koslofsky (right) before the Friday,March 23rd University of Miami vs. Northeastern baseball game. Earlier thisyear, Jeff was selected as a Season Ticket Holder of the Game and wasinvited to throw out the ceremonial first pitch during one of the games. |
Season Ticket Holder Jeff Koslofskyprepares to throw out the ceremonial first pitch during the Friday, March23rd game vs. Northeastern. Jeff had been selected as the Season TicketHolder of the Game. |
First pitch participants Paul Hundhammer (left)and Joe O’Connor (right) pose with Head Coach Jim Morris (center) beforetheir ceremonial first pitches. |
First pitch participants Paul Hundhammer (left)and Joe O’Connor (right) discuss their first pitch strategies with EthanSilverman (center) just moments before they take the mound. |
Crew Head CoachJoe “Oki” O’Connor is seen here delivering his first pitch, during theWednesday March 21st game against Cornell. This season marked the 15thseason that he has been at the helm of the University of Miami Crew program.Upon arriving at Miami, O’Connor helped launch not only the UM rowingprogram, but also the Miami Beach Rowing Club and the Miami Beach HighSchool Rowing program. |
Former Hurricane Paul Hundhammer is seen here as he throws out hisceremonial first pitch during the Wednesday March 21st game against Cornell.Paul was a member of the Hurricanes baseball team during the 1979 and 1980seasons, and is currently the Director of Retail Sales for Nike TeamSports. |
Long time Hurricanes supporter Chad Kaye throwsout the ceremonial first pitch during the Friday, March 16th game vs. theEast Carolina University Pirates. The Hurricanes went on to win the game14-13. |
Jorge Coello, representing the March16th game sponsor Doubletree Hotel, throws out on of the two ceremonialfirst pitches that evening. |
Student Manager Ethan Silverman (left),Jorge Coello (left-center), Coach Jim Morris (right-center) and Chad Kaye(right) take a moment before the game to pose for a photo. |
Head Coach Jim Morris (left) posesfor a picture with season ticket holder Kevin Clements (right) momentsbefore his first pitch on March 11th . Clements, who earlier this season wasselected as a season ticket holder of the game, has been a season ticketholder with Hurricanes baseball for over 20 years. |
Christian Argamacia steps to themound, as he prepares for his first pitch on March 11th. Argamacia was therepresentative of Bacardi USA Inc, the game sponsor for the March 11th UMvs. Rutgers matchup. |
Head Coach Jim Morris (left) posesfor a picture with Kevin Clements (left center), Christian Argamacia (rightcenter) and Tito Bacardi (right). |
Head Coach Jim Morris (left) and former Hurricane JDArteaga (right) get together before the Friday, February 16th game vs. ElonCollege. JD, who is the leader in several career statistics including wins(43), starts (72) and hits (451), is currently a prospect for the HoustonAstros. |
JD Arteaga poses for a picture moments after throwing outthe ceremonial first pitch on the Friday, February 16th game vs. ElonCollege. |
JD Arteaga (left center) takes a moment to posewith the Maniac (left) and Diamond Cab representatives Mark Spellman (rightcenter) and Willy Acosta (right). Diamond Cab was the game sponsor for theFriday, February 16th game vs. Elon College. |
Head Coach Jim Morris(center) poses for a photo with Franco Pontillo (left) and Veronica Padron(right). Franco and Veronica were both winners of the “Hurricanes Design aBaseball Card” contest. The contest was held during the City of Hialeah SnowBlast on December 16th. |
9 year old Franco Pontillo throws out one ofthe ceremonial first pitches before the Sunday, February 18th game vs. ElonCollege. Franco was a winner of the “Hurricanes Design a Baseball Card”contest. |
5 year old Veronica Padron attempts to throwout one of the ceremonial first pitches before the Sunday, February 18thgame vs. Elon College. Veronica was a winner of the “Hurricanes Design aBaseball Card” contest. |
Ethan Silverman (left) presentsVeronica Padron (right) her baseball, moments after her ceremonial firstpitch. |
Former Hurricane and current Los Angeles star F.P.Santangelo is seen here, moments after throwing out the ceremonial firstpitch for the Sunday, Feb. 11th game vs. Oklahoma State. |
Newly appointed Head Football Coach Larry Coker steps up to the mound, ashe prepares to throw out the ceremonial first pitch for the Saturday Feb.10th game vs. the Florida Gators. |
FP Santangelo takes a moment to signautographs for McArthur Dairy’s first pitch representatives Michael andDaniel Callahan. |
Baseball Head Coach Jim Morris (left) and Football Head Coach Larry Coker(right) take a moment to speak with Freshman pitcher T.J. Prunty (center).Not only is T.J. a pitcher on the baseball team, but he also is aquarterback for the football team. |
Former Hurricane and current Marlinstar Alex Fernandez threw out the first pitch for the Friday, Feb. 9th gamevs. the Florida Gators. Fernandez is seen here with the Miami Maniac(left), Bellsouth’s first pitch representative Albert Lorenzo (center), andtwo of Fernandez’s children Alexander and Andrew (right). |
Former Hurricane Charles Johnson takes a moment to sign a few autographs before hisceremonial first pitch on Sat. Jan. 27th. |
Former Hurricane Charles Johnson waits on deck as his ceremonial first pitchis announced. – Jan. 27, 2001 |
Orlando ‘El Duque’ Hernandez and the Holiday Inn representative, John Lynch – Jan. 25, 2001 |